// // sha3_512.c // PageBurger // // Created by ffqq on 26/02/2024. // // Further minified version of https://github.com/XKCP/XKCP/blob/master/Standalone/CompactFIPS202/C/Keccak-more-compact.c // to include ONLY sha3-512 functionality and a header that can be bridged for Swift. #include #include #include #include "sha3_512.h" #define FOR(i,n) for(i=0; i>1; } #define ROL(a,o) ((((u64)a)<>(64-o))) static u64 load64(const u8 *x) { ui i; u64 u=0; FOR(i,8) { u<<=8; u|=x[7-i]; } return u; } static void store64(u8 *x, u64 u) { ui i; FOR(i,8) { x[i]=u; u>>=8; } } static void xor64(u8 *x, u64 u) { ui i; FOR(i,8) { x[i]^=u; u>>=8; } } #define rL(x,y) load64((u8*)s+8*(x+5*y)) #define wL(x,y,l) store64((u8*)s+8*(x+5*y),l) #define XL(x,y,l) xor64((u8*)s+8*(x+5*y),l) void KeccakF1600(void *s) { ui r,x,y,i,j,Y; u8 R=0x01; u64 C[5],D; for(i=0; i<24; i++) { /*θ*/ FOR(x,5) C[x]=rL(x,0)^rL(x,1)^rL(x,2)^rL(x,3)^rL(x,4); FOR(x,5) { D=C[(x+4)%5]^ROL(C[(x+1)%5],1); FOR(y,5) XL(x,y,D); } /*ρπ*/ x=1; y=r=0; D=rL(x,y); FOR(j,24) { r+=j+1; Y=(2*x+3*y)%5; x=y; y=Y; C[0]=rL(x,y); wL(x,y,ROL(D,r%64)); D=C[0]; } /*χ*/ FOR(y,5) { FOR(x,5) C[x]=rL(x,y); FOR(x,5) wL(x,y,C[x]^((~C[(x+1)%5])&C[(x+2)%5])); } /*ι*/ FOR(j,7) if (LFSR86540(&R)) XL(0,0,(u64)1<<((1<0) { b=(inLen0) { b=(outLen0) KeccakF1600(s); } } void FIPS202_SHA3_512(const u8 *in, u64 inLen, u8 *out) { Keccak(576, 1024, in, inLen, 0x06, out, 64); } const char* SHA3_512(const char* input) { static char hash[129]; /* Yes, it's supposed to be 129. The extra 1 is for the null terminator */ unsigned char* inputBytes = (unsigned char*)input; unsigned char hashBytes[64]; FIPS202_SHA3_512(inputBytes, strlen(input), hashBytes); for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { sprintf(&hash[i * 2], "%02x", hashBytes[i]); } return hash; }