let channelDiv = document.getElementById("channelDiv") let messageDiv = document.getElementById("messageDiv") let messageBox = document.getElementById("messageBox") let statusMessage = document.getElementById("statusMessage") let channelID = 0 function addMessage(content, created, creator, roomid) { const messageParagraph = document.createElement("p"); const timeParagraph = document.createElement("p"); const hideRegex = /(https?:\/\/(?:cdn\.discordapp\.com|media\.discordapp\.net|media\.tenor\.com|media1\.tenor\.com|i\.imgur\.com)\/.+?\.(?:png|apng|webp|svg|jpg|jpeg|gif))(?=$|\s)/gi; let messageContent = content.replace(hideRegex, ""); messageParagraph.innerText = `${creator}: ${messageContent}`; messageParagraph.classList.add("messageParagraph"); messageParagraph.id = "messageParagraph"; messageParagraph.appendChild(timeParagraph); const time = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-GB", { hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric" }).format(Number(created.split(".")[0]) * 1000 + 20265); messageParagraph.innerHTML = `<span style="color: #515051; font-size: 14px;">${time}</span> ${messageParagraph.innerHTML}`; messageDiv.append(messageParagraph); const imgLinks = content?.match(/(https?:\/\/(?:cdn\.discordapp\.com|media\.discordapp\.net|media\.tenor\.com|i\.imgur\.com|burger\.ctaposter\.xyz)\/.+?\.(?:png|apng|webp|svg|jpg|jpeg|gif))(?=$|\s)/gi) || []; for (const link of imgLinks) { const img = new Image(); img.src = link; img.className = "messageImage"; img.onload = () => { const maxWidth = 400; const maxHeight = 400; let { width, height } = img; if (width > maxWidth || height > maxHeight) { const ratio = Math.min(maxWidth / width, maxHeight / height); width *= ratio; height *= ratio; } img.width = width; img.height = height; messageParagraph.appendChild(img); }; } messageDiv.scrollTop = messageDiv.scrollHeight - messageDiv.clientHeight; } async function updateMessages(id) { const response = await fetch(`/api/chat/getmessages/${id}`); const messages = await response.json(); statusMessage.innerText = ""; document.querySelectorAll(".messageParagraph").forEach((el) => el.remove()); for (const message of messages.reverse()) { const { creator, content, roomid, created } = message; addMessage(content, created, creator["username"], roomid) } } function selectChannel(id) { channelID = id let selectedButton = channelDiv.querySelector(".selected"); if (selectedButton) { selectedButton.classList.remove("selected"); } let channelButton = document.getElementById("channelButton" + id) if (channelButton) { channelButton.classList.add("selected") } else { console.log("channelButton not found") } updateMessages(id) } async function updateRooms() { let response = await fetch("/api/chat/listrooms"); let rooms = await response.json() for (let i in rooms) { let channelButton = document.createElement("button") channelButton.appendChild(document.createTextNode(rooms[i]["name"])) channelButton.id = "channelButton" + rooms[i]["id"] channelButton.onclick = function () { selectChannel(rooms[i]["id"]) } channelDiv.append(channelButton) } selectChannel(1) } async function sendMessage(content, id) { fetch("/api/chat/send/" + String(id), { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ content: content }), headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" } }) } let updateInterval = 4100 messageBox.addEventListener("keyup", function onEvent(event) { if (event.key === "Enter") { if (!messageBox.value == "") { if (messageBox.value.length < 140) { sendMessage(messageBox.value, channelID) messageBox.value = "" updateInterval = 1300 } updateMessages(channelID) } } }) function messageTimer(){ updateMessages(channelID) if (updateInterval < 6000) { updateInterval = updateInterval + 100 } console.log(updateInterval) setTimeout(messageTimer, updateInterval); } messageTimer(); updateRooms() updateMessages()