> Package captcha provides an easy to use, unopinionated API for captcha generation.
[![PkgGoDev](https://pkg.go.dev/badge/concord.hectabit.org/HectaBit/captcha)](https://pkg.go.dev/concord.hectabit.org/HectaBit/captcha) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/concord.hectabit.org/HectaBit/captcha)](https://goreportcard.com/report/concord.hectabit.org/HectaBit/captcha)
## Why another captcha generator? Because I can. ## install ``` go get concord.hectabit.org/HectaBit/captcha ``` ## usage ```Go func handle(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // create a captcha of 150x50px data, _ := captcha.New(150, 50) // session come from other library such as gorilla/sessions session.Values["captcha"] = data.Text session.Save(r, w) // send image data to client data.WriteImage(w) } ``` [documentation](https://pkg.go.dev/concord.hectabit.org/HectaBit/captcha) | [example](example/basic/main.go) | [font example](example/load-font/main.go) ## sample image ![image](example/captcha.png) ![image](example/captcha-math.png) ## Compatibility This package uses embed package from Go 1.16. If for some reasons you have to use pre 1.16 version of Go, reference pre 1.4 version of this module in your go.mod. ## Contributing If your found a bug, please contribute! see [contributing.md](contributing.md) for more detail. ## License [MIT](LICENSE)