<p>We are an open-source initiative believing in the power of open-source software for the community, and choosing not to depend on other companies in order to provide a robust and dependable solution for all.</p>
<p>Everything should be simple and responsive. No-one likes a cluttered, ugly user interface or a sleek but slow and unresponsive interface. No-one likes pop-ups that show up in your face, or big brothers filling their pages with marketing.</p>
<p>Our goal is to make simple, responsive and beautiful interfaces, allowing you to focus on the software - not on the marketing.</p>
<p>Optimization is the name of the game. Quality should always be favored over development time, and we’ve tried to reflect that in our products. User interfaces should minimize loading bars, instead having status messages – the user deserves to know exactly how and why it’s not instant.</p>
<p>"If it works, it works" is a phrase we never want to hear. Our software is designed to not trust even ourselves, so even we cannot get at any of your data. It uses technologies like ECDH, E2EE, AES-256 and Ed25519 JWTs to ensure that your data is safe and secure.</p>