burgercat API documentation

for API things that require authentication, you will need to set the session_DO_NOT_SHARE cookie. the key might expire after 180 days.

GET /api/frontpage - returns frontpage

POST /api/post - post ctas - authentication required
title, being the title of the post and file, being an image file.
Supported file extensions: "png", "apng", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "svg", "webp"

POST /api/comment - comment on posts - authentication required
title, being the title of the comment and id, being the ID of the post you want to comment on.

POST /api/login - get authentication key
username, being the username and password, being the password. Returns authentication key.

GET /api/userinfo - authentication required - Returns user info, username, ID, and account creation date.

GET /api/post/1/comments - Returns comments of post