syntax = "proto3"; package main; option go_package = ""; // Token is a string that represents an OAuth2 JWT token. message Token { string token = 1; } // NoteID is a UUID that represents a note. message NoteID { bytes noteId = 1; } // NoteID and Token together represent a request involving a note. message NoteRequest { NoteID noteId = 1; Token token = 2; } // AESData represents AES-encrypted data. message AESData { bytes data = 2; bytes iv = 3; } // NoteMetadata represents the metadata of a note. message NoteMetadata { NoteID noteId = 1; AESData title = 2; } // Note represents a note. message Note { NoteMetadata metadata = 1; AESData note = 2; } // /api/notes/list returns an array of notes. message ApiNotesListResponse { repeated NoteMetadata notes = 1; } // /api/notes/edit accepts a note and a token. message ApiNotesEditRequest { Note note = 1; Token token = 2; } // /api/signup accepts a public key and a token. message ApiSignupRequest { bytes publicKey = 1; Token token = 2; } // /api/invite/prepare accepts an username and a token. message ApiInvitePrepareRequest { string username = 1; Token token = 2; } // /api/invite/prepare returns a ECDH key. message ApiInvitePrepareResponse { bytes ecdhExchange = 1; } // /api/invite/send accepts a ECDH exchange, a AES-encrypted key and a NoteRequest. message ApiInviteSendRequest { bytes ecdhExchange = 1; AESData key = 2; NoteRequest noteRequest = 3; } // Invitation represents an invitation to a note. message Invitation { string username = 1; AESData key = 2; NoteID noteId = 3; } // /api/invite/check returns an array of invitations. message ApiInviteCheckResponse { repeated Invitation invitations = 1; } // /api/invite/link accepts a NoteRequest, UNIX timestamp and a singleUse boolean. message ApiInviteLinkRequest { NoteRequest noteRequest = 1; int64 timestamp = 2; bool singleUse = 3; } // /api/invite/link returns an invite code. message ApiInviteLinkResponse { bytes inviteCode = 1; } // /api/invite/accept accepts an invite code and a token. message ApiInviteAcceptRequest { bytes inviteCode = 1; Token token = 2; } // /api/shared is a WebSocket which accepts an array of line numbers and a token. message ApiSharedRequest { repeated uint64 lines = 1; Token token = 2; } // User represents a user editing notes. message UserLines { string username = 1; bytes uuid = 2; repeated uint64 lines = 3; } // /api/shared is a WebSocket which returns the array of line numbers for each user working on a note. message ApiSharedResponse { repeated UserLines users = 1; } // /api/shared/edit accepts multiple lines, represented as an individual AESData, and a token. message ApiSharedEditRequest { repeated AESData lines = 1; Token token = 2; } // /api/shared/get returns the lines of a note. message ApiSharedGetResponse { repeated AESData lines = 1; NoteMetadata metadata = 2; } // Error represents an error. message Error { string error = 1; } // ServerError represents a 500 error, with a hex error code. message ServerError { bytes errorCode = 1; }