432 lines
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432 lines
14 KiB
package main
import (
library "git.ailur.dev/ailur/fg-library/v2"
type InsertFile struct {
File File `validate:"required"`
Stream io.Reader `validate:"required"`
type ReadFile struct {
File File `validate:"required"`
Stream io.Writer `validate:"required"`
type File struct {
Name string `validate:"required"`
Size int64 `validate:"required"`
User uuid.UUID `validate:"required"`
var ServiceInformation = library.Service{
Name: "Storage",
Permissions: library.Permissions{
Authenticate: false, // This service does not require authentication
Database: true, // This service requires database access to store quotas
BlobStorage: false, // This service *is* the blob storage
InterServiceCommunication: true, // This service does require inter-service communication
ServiceID: uuid.MustParse("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003"),
var conn library.Database
func getQuota(user uuid.UUID, information library.ServiceInitializationInformation) (int64, error) {
// Get the user's quota from the database
var quota int64
userBytes, err := user.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
err = conn.DB.QueryRow("SELECT quota FROM quotas WHERE id = $1", userBytes).Scan("a)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
// The user has no quota set, so we'll set it to the default quota
_, err = conn.DB.Exec("INSERT INTO quotas (id, quota) VALUES ($1, $2)", userBytes, int64(information.Configuration["defaultQuota"].(float64)))
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return int64(information.Configuration["defaultQuota"].(float64)), nil
return 0, err
return quota, nil
func getUsed(user uuid.UUID, information library.ServiceInitializationInformation) (int64, error) {
// Check the user's used space via the filesystem
var used int64
_, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(information.Configuration["path"].(string), user.String()))
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
// The user has no files stored, so we'll set it to 0
return 0, nil
return 0, err
} else {
err := filepath.Walk(filepath.Join(information.Configuration["path"].(string), user.String()), func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
used += info.Size()
return nil
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return used, nil
func logFunc(message string, messageType uint64, information library.ServiceInitializationInformation) {
// Log the error message to the logger service
information.Outbox <- library.InterServiceMessage{
ServiceID: ServiceInformation.ServiceID,
ForServiceID: uuid.MustParse("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002"), // Logger service
MessageType: messageType,
SentAt: time.Now(),
Message: message,
func storeFile(file InsertFile, serviceID uuid.UUID, information library.ServiceInitializationInformation) {
// Create a folder for the user if it doesn't exist
err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(information.Configuration["path"].(string), file.File.User.String()), 0755)
if err != nil {
// First contact the logger service
logFunc(err.Error(), 2, information)
// Then send the error message to the requesting service
information.Outbox <- library.InterServiceMessage{
ServiceID: ServiceInformation.ServiceID,
ForServiceID: serviceID,
MessageType: 1, // An error that's not your fault
SentAt: time.Now(),
Message: err.Error(),
// Check if the user has enough space to store the file
quota, err := getQuota(file.File.User, information)
if err != nil {
// First contact the logger service
logFunc(err.Error(), 2, information)
// Then send the error message to the requesting service
information.Outbox <- library.InterServiceMessage{
ServiceID: ServiceInformation.ServiceID,
ForServiceID: serviceID,
MessageType: 1, // An error that's not your fault
SentAt: time.Now(),
Message: err.Error(),
used, err := getUsed(file.File.User, information)
if err != nil {
// First contact the logger service
logFunc(err.Error(), 2, information)
// Then send the error message to the requesting service
information.Outbox <- library.InterServiceMessage{
ServiceID: ServiceInformation.ServiceID,
ForServiceID: serviceID,
MessageType: 1, // An error that's not your fault
SentAt: time.Now(),
Message: err.Error(),
// Check if the user has enough space to store the file
if used+file.File.Size > quota {
// Then send the error message to the requesting service
information.Outbox <- library.InterServiceMessage{
ServiceID: ServiceInformation.ServiceID,
ForServiceID: serviceID,
MessageType: 3, // It's the user's fault (never say that to the customer ;P)
SentAt: time.Now(),
Message: "User has exceeded their quota",
// Create a folder within that for the service if it doesn't exist
err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(information.Configuration["path"].(string), file.File.User.String(), serviceID.String()), 0755)
if err != nil {
// First contact the logger service
logFunc(err.Error(), 2, information)
// Then send the error message to the requesting service
information.Outbox <- library.InterServiceMessage{
ServiceID: ServiceInformation.ServiceID,
ForServiceID: serviceID,
MessageType: 1, // An error that's not your fault
SentAt: time.Now(),
Message: err.Error(),
// Store the file
fileStream, err := os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(information.Configuration["path"].(string), file.File.User.String(), serviceID.String(), file.File.Name), os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, 0644)
if err != nil {
// First contact the logger service
logFunc(err.Error(), 2, information)
// Then send the error message to the requesting service
information.Outbox <- library.InterServiceMessage{
ServiceID: ServiceInformation.ServiceID,
ForServiceID: serviceID,
MessageType: 1, // An error that's not your fault
SentAt: time.Now(),
Message: err.Error(),
// Write the file
_, err = io.Copy(fileStream, file.Stream)
if err != nil {
// First contact the logger service
logFunc(err.Error(), 2, information)
// Then send the error message to the requesting service
information.Outbox <- library.InterServiceMessage{
ServiceID: ServiceInformation.ServiceID,
ForServiceID: serviceID,
MessageType: 1, // An error that's not your fault
SentAt: time.Now(),
Message: err.Error(),
// Close the file
err = fileStream.Close()
if err != nil {
// First contact the logger service
logFunc(err.Error(), 2, information)
// Then send the error message to the requesting service
information.Outbox <- library.InterServiceMessage{
ServiceID: ServiceInformation.ServiceID,
ForServiceID: serviceID,
MessageType: 1, // An error that's not your fault
SentAt: time.Now(),
Message: err.Error(),
// Report success
information.Outbox <- library.InterServiceMessage{
ServiceID: ServiceInformation.ServiceID,
ForServiceID: serviceID,
MessageType: 0, // Success
SentAt: time.Now(),
Message: nil,
func readFile(file ReadFile, serviceID uuid.UUID, information library.ServiceInitializationInformation) {
// Open the file
fileStream, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(information.Configuration["path"].(string), file.File.User.String(), serviceID.String(), file.File.Name))
if err != nil {
// First contact the logger service
logFunc(err.Error(), 2, information)
// Then send the error message to the requesting service
information.Outbox <- library.InterServiceMessage{
ServiceID: ServiceInformation.ServiceID,
ForServiceID: serviceID,
MessageType: 1, // An error that's not your fault
SentAt: time.Now(),
Message: err.Error(),
// Read the file
_, err = io.Copy(file.Stream, fileStream)
if err != nil {
// First contact the logger service
logFunc(err.Error(), 2, information)
// Then send the error message to the requesting service
information.Outbox <- library.InterServiceMessage{
ServiceID: ServiceInformation.ServiceID,
ForServiceID: serviceID,
MessageType: 1, // An error that's not your fault
SentAt: time.Now(),
Message: err.Error(),
// Close the file
err = fileStream.Close()
if err != nil {
// First contact the logger service
logFunc(err.Error(), 2, information)
// Then send the error message to the requesting service
information.Outbox <- library.InterServiceMessage{
ServiceID: ServiceInformation.ServiceID,
ForServiceID: serviceID,
MessageType: 1, // An error that's not your fault
SentAt: time.Now(),
Message: err.Error(),
// Report success
information.Outbox <- library.InterServiceMessage{
ServiceID: ServiceInformation.ServiceID,
ForServiceID: serviceID,
MessageType: 0, // Success
SentAt: time.Now(),
Message: nil,
func removeFile(file File, serviceID uuid.UUID, information library.ServiceInitializationInformation) {
// Remove the file
err := os.Remove(filepath.Join(information.Configuration["path"].(string), file.User.String(), serviceID.String(), file.Name))
if err != nil {
// First contact the logger service
logFunc(err.Error(), 2, information)
// Then send the error message to the requesting service
information.Outbox <- library.InterServiceMessage{
ServiceID: ServiceInformation.ServiceID,
ForServiceID: serviceID,
MessageType: 1, // An error that's not your fault
SentAt: time.Now(),
Message: err.Error(),
// Report success
information.Outbox <- library.InterServiceMessage{
ServiceID: ServiceInformation.ServiceID,
ForServiceID: serviceID,
MessageType: 0, // Success
SentAt: time.Now(),
Message: nil,
func Main(information library.ServiceInitializationInformation) {
go func() {
for {
message := <-information.Inbox
if message.ServiceID == uuid.MustParse("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001") {
if message.MessageType == 1 {
// We've received an error message. This should never happen.
logFunc("Bit flip error: Error given to non-errored service. Move away from radiation or use ECC memory.", 3, information)
} else {
switch message.MessageType {
case 0:
// Insert file
validate := validator.New()
err := validate.Struct(message.Message.(InsertFile))
if err != nil {
information.Outbox <- library.InterServiceMessage{
ServiceID: ServiceInformation.ServiceID,
ForServiceID: message.ServiceID,
MessageType: 2, // An error that's your fault
SentAt: time.Now(),
Message: err.Error(),
} else {
// Store file
storeFile(message.Message.(InsertFile), message.ServiceID, information)
case 1:
// Read file
validate := validator.New()
err := validate.Struct(message.Message.(ReadFile))
if err != nil {
information.Outbox <- library.InterServiceMessage{
ServiceID: ServiceInformation.ServiceID,
ForServiceID: message.ServiceID,
MessageType: 2, // An error that's your fault
SentAt: time.Now(),
Message: err.Error(),
} else {
// Read file
readFile(message.Message.(ReadFile), message.ServiceID, information)
case 2:
// Remove file
validate := validator.New()
err := validate.Struct(message.Message.(File))
if err != nil {
information.Outbox <- library.InterServiceMessage{
ServiceID: ServiceInformation.ServiceID,
ForServiceID: message.ServiceID,
MessageType: 2, // An error that's your fault
SentAt: time.Now(),
Message: err.Error(),
} else {
// Remove file
removeFile(message.Message.(File), message.ServiceID, information)
// Initiate a connection to the database
// Call service ID 1 to get the database connection information
information.Outbox <- library.InterServiceMessage{
ServiceID: ServiceInformation.ServiceID,
ForServiceID: uuid.MustParse("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"), // Service initialization service
MessageType: 1, // Request connection information
SentAt: time.Now(),
Message: nil,
// Wait for the response
response := <-information.Inbox
if response.MessageType == 2 {
// This is the connection information
// Set up the database connection
conn = response.Message.(library.Database)
// Create the quotas table if it doesn't exist
if conn.DBType == library.Sqlite {
_, err := conn.DB.Exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS quotas (id BLOB PRIMARY KEY, quota BIGINT)")
if err != nil {
logFunc(err.Error(), 3, information)
} else {
_, err := conn.DB.Exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS quotas (id BYTEA PRIMARY KEY, quota BIGINT)")
if err != nil {
logFunc(err.Error(), 3, information)
} else {
// This is an error message
// Log the error message to the logger service
logFunc(response.Message.(error).Error(), 3, information)
// Report a successful activation
information.Outbox <- library.InterServiceMessage{
ServiceID: ServiceInformation.ServiceID,
ForServiceID: uuid.MustParse("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"), // Activation service
MessageType: 0,
SentAt: time.Now(),
Message: nil,