#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Cwd; use JSON; my $data; { local $/; undef $/; $data = <>; } my $json = JSON->new->decode($data); my $sections = $json->{book}->{sections}; my $date = `date '+%d %B %Y'`; chomp $date; my $latex; my %code_inline; my $code_inline_index = 0; my %codeblocks; my $codeblock_index = 0; # Opening. $latex .= "\\documentclass[letterpaper]{article}\n"; $latex .= "\\usepackage[margin=4cm]{geometry}\n"; $latex .= "\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}\n"; $latex .= "\\fontfamily{lmodern}\n"; $latex .= "\\selectfont\n"; $latex .= "\\usepackage{graphicx}\n"; $latex .= "\\usepackage{hyperref}\n"; $latex .= "\\usepackage{listings}\n"; $latex .= "\\lstdefinestyle{void}{\n"; $latex .= " basicstyle=\\ttfamily,\n"; $latex .= " breaklines=true,\n"; $latex .= " showstringspaces=false,\n"; $latex .= " aboveskip=\\bigskipamount,\n"; $latex .= " belowskip=\\bigskipamount,\n"; $latex .= "}\n"; $latex .= "\\def\\code#1{\\texttt{#1}}\n"; $latex .= "\\begin{document}\n"; $latex .= "\\newgeometry{margin=2cm}\n"; 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close($fh) or die "Couldn't close handbook.tex after writing: $!"; exit 0; sub process_json { my $i = shift; my $type = ref($i); if ($type eq 'HASH') { if (defined $i->{content}) { process_content($i->{path},$i->{content}); } if (defined $i->{Chapter}) { process_json($i->{Chapter}); } if (defined $i->{sub_items}) { foreach my $j ($i->{sub_items}) { process_json($j); } } } if ($type eq 'ARRAY') { foreach my $j (@{$i}) { process_json($j); } } } sub process_content { my $path = shift; my $content = shift; my $base = convert_path_to_hypertarget_base($path); # Create sections. $content =~ s/^# ([^\n]+)/create_sectioning("section",$1,$base)/eg; # Create subsections. $content =~ s/\n## ([^\n]+)/create_sectioning("subsection",$1,$base)/eg; # Create subsubsections. $content =~ s/\n### ([^\n]+)/create_sectioning("subsubsection",$1,$base)/eg; # Create paragraphs. $content =~ s/\n#### ([^\n]+)/create_sectioning("paragraph",$1,$base)/eg; # Create subparagraphs. $content =~ s/\n##### ([^\n]+)/create_sectioning("subparagraph",$1,$base)/eg; # Create codeblocks. $content =~ s/```\n(.+?)\n```/create_codeblock($1)/esg; # Create internal links. $content =~ s/\[([^]]+?)\]\(((?:\..?.+?)|(?:#.+?))\)/create_internal_link($1,$2,$path)/esg; # Create external links. $content =~ s/<(http[^>]+)>/\\href{$1}{$1}/sg; # bare links $content =~ s/\[([^]]+?)\]\((.+?)\)/\\href{$2}{$1}/sg; # Create lists. $content =~ s/\n\n(- .+?)\n(?:\n|\z)/create_list($1)/esg; # Create numbered lists. $content =~ s/\n\n(\d+\. .+?)\n(?:\n|\z)/create_numbered_list($1)/esg; # Create blockquotes. $content =~ s/((^>(?:\s*\n|[^\n]+))+)/create_blockquote($1)/emsg; # Bold text. $content =~ s/\*\*([^*]+)\*\*/{\\bfseries $1}/sg; # Escape LaTeX special characters. $content =~ s/#/'\#'/eg; $content =~ s/\$/'\$'/eg; $content =~ s/_/'\_'/eg; $content =~ s/~/'\~'/eg; $content =~ s/&/'\&'/eg; $content =~ s/\^/'\^'/eg; # Create tables. $content =~ s/((?:(?:\| +[^|]+ +\| +(?:[^|]+ +\|)+\n)|(?:\|-[^\n]+\n))+)/create_table($1)/esg; # Create inline code. $content =~ s/(?: |\n)`([^`]+)`/create_code_inline($1)/esg; $latex .= $content; } sub convert_heading_to_fragment { my $heading = shift; $heading =~ s/ /-/g; $heading =~ s/\.//g; $heading =~ s/\(|\)//g; $heading =~ s/(.+)/lc($1)/e; return $heading; } sub convert_path_to_hypertarget_base { my $base = shift; if ($base =~ m|index.md|) { $base =~ m|(.+/index).md|; $base = $1; $base =~ s|/|-|g; } else { $base =~ m|(.+).md|; $base = $1; $base =~ s|/|-|g; } return $base; } sub create_blockquote { my $blockquote = shift; my $result; $blockquote =~ s/>//g; $blockquote =~ s/\n//g; $result .= "\\begin{quote}\n"; $result .= $blockquote; $result .= "\\end{quote}\n"; return $result; } sub create_codeblock { my $codeblock = shift; my $label; my $result; $codeblock_index++; $label = 'handbook-codeblock-' . $codeblock_index; $result .= "\\begin{lstlisting}[style=void]\n"; $result .= $codeblock; $result .= "\n\\end{lstlisting}\n"; $codeblocks{$label} = $result; # Mark places in document where codeblock will be re-inserted # during postprocessing. return $label; } sub create_code_inline { my $code = shift; my $label; my $result; $code_inline_index++; $label = 'handbook-codeinline-' . $code_inline_index; $result = " \\code{$code}"; $code_inline{$label} = $result; # Mark places in document where code will be re-inserted # during postprocessing. return $label; } sub create_internal_link { my $text = shift; my $destination = shift; my $current_section = shift; my $current_directory; my $base; my $fragment; my $hypertarget; my $result; if ($destination =~ /^#/) { $base = $current_section . $destination; $base =~ s|.md#.+$||; } else { $current_section =~ m|^(.+/)|; $current_directory = $1; $base = $destination; $base =~ m|^(.+\.md)|; $base = $1; $base = $current_directory . $base; $base = Cwd::abs_path("../../src/" . $base); $base =~ s|^.+/src/||; $base =~ s|.md||; } $base =~ s|/|-|g; if ($destination =~ /#/) { $destination =~ m|#(.+)$|; $fragment = "-" . $1; } else { $fragment = ""; } $text =~ s/\n/ /; $hypertarget = $base . $fragment; $result = "\\hyperlink{$hypertarget}{$text}"; return $result; } sub create_list { my $list = shift; my $result; $result .= "\n\\begin{itemize}\n"; $list =~ s/^- /\\item /mg; $result .= $list; $result .= "\n\\end{itemize}\n"; return $result; } sub create_numbered_list { my $list = shift; my $result; $result .= "\n\\begin{enumerate}\n"; $list =~ s/^\d+\. /\\item /mg; $result .= $list; $result .= "\n\\end{enumerate}\n"; return $result; } sub create_sectioning { my $type = shift; my $text = shift; my $name = shift; my $result; if ($type ne "section") { $name = $name . "-" . convert_heading_to_fragment($text); $result .= "\n\\hypertarget{"; $result .= $name; $result .= "}{}"; $result .= "\n\\$type\{$text\}\n"; } else { $result .= "\n\\newpage\n"; $result .= "\n\\hypertarget{"; $result .= $name; $result .= "}{}"; $result .= "\n\\$type\{$text\}\n"; } return $result; } sub create_table { my $table = shift; my $result; my @lines; my $header; my @body; my $column_count; @lines = split(/\n/, $table); $header = $lines[0]; $header =~ s/[^|]//g; $column_count = length($header) - 1; $result .= "\n\\bigskip"; $result .= "\n\\begin{tabular}{ | "; $result .= "l | " x ($column_count - 1); $result .= "l | }\n"; $result .= "\\hline\n"; $header = $lines[0]; $header =~ s/^\|//; $header =~ s/\|/&/g; $header =~ s/&$//; $result .= $header; $result .= "\\\\ \\hline \\hline\n"; shift @lines; foreach my $line (@lines) { if ($line !~ /^\|-/) { $line =~ s/^\|//; $line =~ s/\|/&/g; $line =~ s/&$//; $result .= $line; $result .= "\\\\ \\hline\n"; } } $result .= "\n\\end{tabular}\n"; $result .= "\n\\bigskip\n"; }