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Version 1.0 - 1.2

ISO Images are not provided for these versions. Please bootstrap using historical versions of the evolutionOS website. Note that these releases have massive problems and may not even install properly, and are not able to upgrade, or even use the same libc. Use at your own risk.

Click here for the original tags of the source code

Versions 1.3 - 1.4

Check on the archived evolutionOS GitHub, before we migrated to centrifuge! Note that these releases contain MAJOR issues AND a different libc and are not able to upgrade!

Click here for the GitHub releases page

Versions 1.5 - 1.5-2

Version 1.5: Different libc on x86_64, cannot upgrade

x86_64 i686

Version 1.5-1: Different libc on x86_64, cannot upgrade

x86_64 i686

Version 1.5-2: Different libc on x86_64, cannot upgrade

x86_64 i686