Neofetch now has an irc channel at `#neofetch` on Freenode. If you have any questions, issues or ideas feel free to join the irc channel and I'll be happy to assist you. I know that we've already got the gitter chat but hopefully this makes things easier for those without a github account. :)
- The manpage is now generated using `help2man`. `help2man` parses the output of `--help` and `--version` to create a manpage. This ensures that our manpage stays 1:1 with the script documentation. We actually found a lot of outdated info in the old manpage thanks to this.
- A new flag was added called `--gen-man` which generates a neofetch manpage in your current directory.
- Rewrote the function to remove duplicate code. All shells now use `$SHELL --version` to get the version info, with the exception of `mksh` which doesn't have a `--version` flag.
- Removed all `date` usage from `get_install_date()`.
- Added a new function called `convert_time()` which takes the time stamped `ls` output and converts it to a pretty format. The function only uses bash so its much faster than calling `date`. This makes things simple and keeps the output consistent across all Operating Systems. Example: `2016-12-06 16:58:58.000000000` --> `Tue 06 Dec 2016 4:58 PM`
- The function is `40` lines smaller than before and works on all \[1\] versions of `df` we tested on \[2\].
- We only show the `root (/)` partition now.
- Showing a total of all disks only worked on GNU `df` and we had to hardcode different commands for Distros and Operating Systens that used a different `df`.
- We're using the same `df` flags across all Operating Systems now.
- No more ugly case statements or per distro hardcoding of `df` flags.
- Removed all percentage calculation since `df` already provides us with the percentage.
\[1\] The function doesn't work on Haiku since their `df` is wildly non-standard. (The output format and flags are 100% different from all of the other `df` versions floating around.)
\[2\] Tested on `GNU`, `Busybox`, `BSD`, `Solaris` and `macOS``df` versions.