This release adds support for a large number of Linux distros as well as support for the latest macOS and iOS devices. This release also contains a large number of bug fixes and some minor features.
I'm pretty sure that this release is the largest in terms of number of contributors. Thanks to everyone who contributed this release!
- [macOS] Added support for `chunkwm`. **[@dominiklohmann](**
- Fix incorrect output when using WindowMaker. **[@mstraube](**
- Added support for Pogo. **[@mstraube](**
- Fixed bug with players not being found.
- Added battery support for Thinkpads and other devices that use the `CMB` naming for batteries. **[@deadda7a](**
## Images
- Fixed division by 0 error in XTerm.
## Screenshot
- Use `maim` over `scrot`. **[@ybden](**
- Fixed `scrot_cmd` arguments not being used. **[@winneon](**
## [3.2.0] - 2017-06-21
This release was long overdue and I apologise for the delay. I've been busy with study among other things. This update is smaller than usual but fixes some important bugs.
Hi, It's been quite a while since the last release. I've been extremely busy with university and I finally found some time to flag a new release. (I've been meaning to do this for a few weeks now)
Though I haven't worked on Neofetch as much as I'd have liked, most of the changes this time round come from some familiar faces as well as some new contributors! Thanks to everyone for contributing, I appreciate it.
- Added Chrome OS Crouton support. **[@LER0ever](**
- Added support for SliTaz. **[@nilesr](**
- Added support for Nitrux. **[@mstraube](**
- Added support for DesaOS.
- Added support for MinGW.
- Added support for OBRevenge. **[@obrevenge](**
- Added support for ArchLabs. **[@obrevenge](**
## Screenshot
The screenshot feature no longer requires any configuration before working. We no longer hardcode `${HOME}/Pictures/neofetch` as the screenshot location. Here's how the `-s` and `-su` flags now function:
-`neofetch -s` will save a file in the current directory named: `neofetch-$(date +%F-%I-%M-%S-${RANDOM}).png`
-`neofetch -s test.png` will save a file in the current directory called `test.png`
-`neofetch -s ~/` will save a file in `~` called `neofetch-$(date +%F-%I-%M-%S-${RANDOM}).png`
-`neofetch -s ~/test.png` will save a file in `~` called `test.png`.
- Changed memory label to `MiB` on OS that output memory in Mebibytes.
**Shell**<br \>
- Fixed a crash when the user has `bash 3` installed.
**Packages**<br \>
- Added support for Chromebrew.
**GPU**<br \>
- [Linux] Display detailed information about Intel GPUs. **[@SomaUlte](**
**Color Blocks**<br \>
- Fixed issue with `color_blocks="off"` adding an extra newline to the output.
**Song**<br \>
- Don't print `$song` if it's empty and `song_shorthand` is on. **[@mstraube](**
- Fixed `mpd` detection when `mpd` is on a different host. **[@dawidd6](**
- Use `get_song_dbus` for Audacious. **[@mstraube](**
**Terminal Font**<br \>
- [Alacritty] Fixed font detection. **[@siiptuo](**
## Images
- [iTerm2] Fixed issue with line-breaks printing spaces over the image. **[@jorgegonzalez](**
- Fixed issue with images not working in Terminology.
- Fixed issue when `image_source` was set to `wall`.
- [w3m-img] Fixed issues with `w3m-img` and `tmux`.
## Ascii
- [Windows 10] Fixed `ascii_distro` not working.
- Fixed a bug where the backend is `ascii` but the image_source is an image file.
- Fixed custom ascii files not working.
- Removed extra backslashes from OpenBSD ascii art. **[@Head-on-a-Stick](**
## Scrot
- Added message to let users know that a screenshot was taken.
## [3.0] - 2017-01-23
This is another large release containing over `550` commits from 7 contributors. Due to the size and large amount of changes made this release expect at least one minor release to fix any bugs that come up.
The version number has been bumped to `3.0` due to the large amount of breaking changes introduced this update. I've added backwards compatibility for all of the new changes but there may still be some breakage. I highly recommend starting with a new config to avoid any issues that may arise.
Neofetch now supports displaying images using `catimg`, `libcaca` and `jp2a`. See this wiki page for screenshots.
Thanks to everyone who contributed this release, there were a lot of new faces this time around. :)
Neofetch now has an IRC channel at `#neofetch` on Freenode. If you have any questions, issues or ideas feel free to join the IRC channel and I'll be happy to assist you. I know that we've already got the Gitter chat but hopefully this makes things easier for those without a GitHub account. :)
I have given collaborator access to both **[@konimex](** and **[@iandrewt](**. In short this allows them to push directly to the master branch of the repo, manage the issue tracker and also merge pull requests. They've been a huge help the past year so this made sense to me.
## OS
- Added support for AIX.
- Added support for AntiX.
- Added support for GNU/kFreeBSD.
- Added support for Gentoo FreeBSD.
- Added support for GrombyangOS.
- Added support for Joyent SmartOS.
- Added support for Mer.
- Added support for MINIX.
- Added support for MX.
- Added support for Open Source Media Center (OSMC).
- Added support for SalentOS.
- Added support for TrueOS.
- Added support for Windows (MSYS2).
## General
- The default config file is now installed to `/etc/neofetch/config` and acts as a system-wide config file for Neofetch. Editing this file will make the changes available to all users on the system. Those packaging Neofetch **without** using the Makefile will need to make changes to support this.
- The Makefile was rewritten to remove GNU-isms.
- Removed executable permission from config files. BASH can source them even if they're un-executable.
- Travis now runs [shellcheck]( on every commit and pull request.
- We've had to exclude around 10 lint errors, see this wiki page for why we did this:
- Neofetch now supports relative path values when specifying the location to images, ascii files and config files.
- For example, `neofetch --w3m Pictures/Wallpapers/10.jpg` and `neofetch --w3m 10.jpg` now work.
- Optimize usage of `get_de()`, `get_wm()` and `get_term().
- We were calling these multiple times, we now only run them once and check to see if they were run previously.
- Optimize info caching, only check for cache files in functions that use caching.
- The manpage is now generated using `help2man`. `help2man` parses the output of `--help` and `--version` to create a manpage. This ensures that our manpage stays 1:1 with the script documentation. We actually found a lot of outdated info in the old manpage thanks to this.
- A new flag was added called `--gen-man` which generates a neofetch manpage in your current directory.
- Delete most of `info()` and instead call `prin()`.
- This removes a lot of duplicate code between `info()` and `prin()`.
- Remove `printf` subshells and instead use `printf -v` to declare the variables.
- Removed all `date` command usage from `get_install_date()`.
- Added a new function called `convert_time()` which takes the time stamped `ls` output and converts it to a pretty format. The function only uses bash so its much faster than calling `date`. This makes things simple and keeps the output consistent across all Operating Systems. Example: `2016-12-06 16:58:58.000000000` --> `Tue 06 Dec 2016 4:58 PM`
- Added an option so users can choose between using 24-hour and 12-hour time format
-`get_install_date()` will detect which `ls` program is being used instead of hardcoding them per OS.
**Disk**<br \>
- Rewrote function from scratch.
- The function is `40` lines smaller than before and works on all [1] versions of `df` we tested on [2].
- Added the option/flag `disk_show` which allows you to specify which disks, mount points or directories to show the disk info of. (One per line)
- Added the option/flag `disk_subtitle` which allows you to specify how we label each disk. (Mount point or Disk name)
- Removed all percentage calculation since `df` already provides us with the percentage.
- Warn the user if `df` isn't installed.
- Fixed broken output if `df` wasn't installed but the function was enabled.
[1] The function doesn't work on Haiku since their `df` is wildly non-standard. (The output format and flags are 100% different from all of the other `df` versions floating around.)
[2] Tested on `GNU`, `Busybox`, `BSD`, `Solaris` and `macOS``df` versions.
**Theme**<br \>
- [KDE] Don't display GTK Themes if KDE is detected.
- [KDE] If `kde[0-9]-config` isn't found, try and look for `$HOME/.kde`.
**Window Manager Theme**<br \>
- Fixed WM Theme not detected on MATE. **[@mstraube](**
- Fixed WM Theme detection on KDE. **[@mstraube](**
**Song**<br \>
- Added support for xmms2. **[@z33ky](**
- Added support for Exaile music player. **[@mstraube](**
- Added support for JuK .**[@mstraube](**
- Added support for Bluemindo. **[@mstraube](**
- Added support for Guayadeque Player. **[@mstraube](**
- Added support for Yarock. **[@mstraube](**
- Added support for Qmmp. **[@mstraube](**
- Added support for QuodLibet. **[@mstraube](**
- Added support for Mopidy. **[@d3rrial](**
- Fixed bug causing macOS ascii art to be used on other Operating Systems.
- Display warning about 'ascii' being the new default mode.
- Removed `ascii_logo_size` in favor of `ascii_distro='{arch,crux,gentoo}_small'`.
- [PCBSD] Use TrueOS ascii art.
- Added Void Linux (small) and Alpine Linux (small).
## Screenshot
- Use arrays for `$scrot_program`
## Args
- Fixed bug where `neofetch --config` sourced the user config twice.
- Cleaned up config arg handling.
## [2.0.2] - 2016-12-07
This minor release fixes some issues related to new features added in 2.0. These issues weren't picked up in the time between 2.0 and 2.1 and another minor release is needed due to the Packages issue being rather important.
These issues were fixed by reverting the GPU caching and Packages optimizations. These issues occurred because not enough testing was done before these were implemented in master. In the future I'll take more care with testing these larger changes before they hit the master branch and I apologize for there being yet another release in one week.
I also want to apologize to those packaging Neofetch for this unexpected release.
## Info
**Packages**<br \>
- Fixed issue where package output was off by one.
**GPU**<br \>
- Fixed bug with `--gpu_brand` not working.
**Theme**<br \>
- [Cinnamon] Fixed incorrect information.
## [2.0.1] - 2016-12-06
This release of Neofetch fixes some important bugs that were found after 2.0 was release. This includes: Detection issues on CentOS and Linux Mint systems, Incorrect Memory usage on BSD, Linux GPU detection issues and more.
This release also includes a rewrite of the screenshot functions. You no longer have to set the program to use in your config. Neofetch now automatically finds and uses whatever screenshot tool is available on your machine.
See the screenshot section below for more info.
The `get_packages()` function was optimized. Neofetch's packages function works by detecting which package managers are installed on your system and then using a sum of those as the packages output.
Previously the function would call `wc -l` for every package manager, instead we now call `wc -l` only once at the end of the function.
Thanks for reporting these bugs and also suggesting these features. Don't be shy, report any bugs, annoyances or etc with Neofetch and I'll happily help you out.
Thanks to **[@konimex](** for all of his contributions this release. :)
## Contributors
- **[@konimex](**
## General
- Use `$kernel_name` instead of `$distro` in some functions. **[@konimex](**
## Info
**Distro**<br \>
- Added support for Apricity OS.
- Added support for GoboLinux. **[@konimex](**
- Added support for SwagArch.
- Added support for AOSC OS.
- Added support for Parrot Security.
- Fixed bug that caused Linux Mint systems to be identified as Ubuntu.
- Fixed bug that caused CentOS systems to not be detected.
**Memory**<br \>
- [BSD] Fixed high memory output.
**GPU**<br \>
- [Linux] Fixed bug where sound card was detected as GPU.
**Packages**<br \>
- Only call `wc -l` once at the end of the function instead of calling it once per package manager.
**Desktop Environment**<br \>
- Show Cinnamon version.
## Image
- Changed default image mode to `ascii`.
- See: [Images in the terminal](
## Wallpaper
- Rewrote wallpaper function.
- Prioritize DE wallpaper setters before falling back to `feh`/`nitrogen`.
- Added support for XFCE's wallpaper setter.
- Added support for Solaris and GNU Hurd. **[@konimex](**
## Ascii

<br \><sub>Old Ubuntu Logo vs New Ubuntu Logo</sub>
- Updated Ubuntu logo to the latest version.
- You can use the old logo by launching neofetch with `--ascii_distro ubuntu_old` or by changing `$ascii_distro` to `ubuntu_old` in your config file.
-`--ascii_colors` no longer changes text colors.
- Added ascii art for Ubuntu-Budgie.
- You can use the ascii art by launching Neofetch with `--ascii_distro ubuntu-budgie` or by changing `$ascii_distro` to `ubuntu-budgie` in your config file.
- Fixed bug causing RFRemix to use the incorrect ascii art.
## Screenshots
Neofetch will now automatically find and use whatever screenshot tool is available on your system. The screenshot tool is no longer hardcoded and you don't have to edit your config file to specify what program to use.
On Haiku and macOS, Neofetch will use the built-in tools to take screenshots. On systems with an X server Neofetch will look for and use the following programs: `scrot`, `maim`, `import (imagemagick)`, `imlib2_grab` and `gnome-screenshot`.
The config option `scrot_cmd` and the commandline flag `--scrot_cmd` are still there for those who want to use custom flags, programs or scripts to take screenshots.
- Automatically use whatever screenshot tool is available.
- Added screenshot support to macOS
- Added screenshot support to Haiku
## Screenshot Upload
- [] Fixed images not uploading with the right filetype.
- Changed default image upload host to ``.
- teknik doesn't compress images whereas imgur does.
- You can change this back to imgur by using `--image_host imgur` or by editing your config file.
## [2.0] - 2016-12-02
This is the biggest release of Neofetch in a long time. 97 files were changed with 2700~ additions to 2900~ deletions. Although the changelog isn't as interesting this time majority of the script has been rewritten, restructered and cleaned up. Every function and variable name follows a proper naming scheme and a large number of bugs were fixed.
Since this version of Neofetch differs so much from the previous versions expect a 2.0.1 release a few days later to fix any bugs that are found after release.
The ascii file handling was rewritten, ascii art is now stored/read as plain text! All `eval` usage was removed from Neofetch, vim fold markers/comments are no longer enforced and we now run on GNU Hurd, Haiku and more.
When I was rewriting parts of the script I thought to myself; Neofetch is using the bash shebang and does depend on bash so why not take full advantage of the features bash has to offer? All tests were changed from `[` to `[[`, arithmetic tests now use `(())` and C style for loops are used where possible.
All of the config file documentation was rewritten and multiple wiki pages were created to hopefully make using/configuring Neofetch easier than ever before. You can see the wiki here: [Neofetch Wiki](
Some of the config options/arguments were renamed/changed and Neofetch will warn you on run if you're using deprecated options (`neofetch -v`). For this release Neofetch **will** include backwards compatibility with the old config file but I'd like to remove this stuff in ~~2.1~~ 3.0. I recommend using this release with a fresh config file so that you can make use of the new documentation.
I say this every release; This changelog is incomplete, for a full list of changes take a look through the commit history. Neofetch now has an unspoken commit style so reading the commit history won't hurt as much as it used to.
Thanks to all of the contributors this time around, you guys are a big help and I really appreciate your work towards making Neofetch better and better each release. :)
- Added support for Bitrig. **[@konimex](**
- Added support for Sparky Linux.
- Added support for Porteus. **[@ncmprhnsbl](**
- Added support for Red Star OS. **[@koreacomputercenter](**
## Packages
- Neofetch is now in Gentoo's official repos.
## Images
**Fixed rendering issues in URxvt when using an XFT font.**

This was first thought to be an issue between URxvt and W3m-img and I apologize for immediately closing bug reports and dismissing comments about this.
I spent yesterday trying to fix this issue and found out that launching neofetch with `--bold off`
reduced the rendering problems. I did more digging and found out that removing all text formatting fixes the issue entirely. I later found out that adding a single unformatted character before the formatted text fixed the issue while keeping the formatting the same.
I opened up this PR which added options to enable a border between the image and the text to fix the issue. **[@konimex](** later commented informing me that we could just use a `zero-width space` to fix the issue and that we didn't need a new function/args/ugly border. doh
The final fix was as simple as adding a zero-width space before the info, here's the commit.
Neofetch no longer requires a terminal emulator that supports `\033[14t` this means that neofetch now works in Konsole. Instead of using the escape sequence users now have three options for getting the terminal size in pixels.
-`xwininfo` + `xprop`
-`xwininfo` + `xdpyinfo`
Neofetch will detect whatever combination you have insalled and use these programs.
Note: `\033[14t` is still supported, if images already work for you then you don't have to install anything else.
- [w3m-img] Draw the image twice to fix rendering issues in Konsole.
- [w3m-img] Fix cursor position when using `yoffset`.
- [w3m-img] Add `-bg` support with the new option `--bg_color`.
-`neofetch --bg_color blue` will make the background behind the image blue.
- Note: The background color is only visible behind transparent parts of the image.
- If the terminal width is found as `0`, fallback to ascii mode.
## Ascii
- Bold ascii art by default.
- Fixed incorrect prompt location when using `ascii_logo_size small`.
- Fixed incorrect colors used on light terminals.
- Update Void Linux ascii art. **[@ncmprhnsbl](**
- Update Solus ascii art.
## Info
**Distro**<br \>
- Expanded `distro_shorthand` to macOS, BSD and Solaris. **[@konimex](**
- Removed `osx_buildversion` and `osx_codename` in favour of `distro_shorthand`. **[@konimex](**
**Desktop Environment**<br \>
- [Windows] Added support for showing DE.
- Windows 8 and above: `Modern UI/Metro`
- Windows 7 and below: `Aero`
**Window Manager**<br \>
- [Windows] Added support for custom WMs/Shells.
- Neofetch now detects `blackbox`, `bugn`, `Windawesome`, `emerge` and `litestep`.
**Window Manager Theme**<br \>
- [Windows] Added support for Blackbox themes.
**CPU**<br \>
- Added `cpu_speed` which lets you hide/show the speed in the output.
- Expanded `cpu_cores` option by adding two new values, `logical` and `physical`.
-`logical`: Show all virtual cores (hyperthreaded).
-`physical`: Only show physical cores.
- [Linux] Added support for showing CPU temperature.
- Added new option called `cpu_temp`.
- Note: This is disabled by default and can be enabled by changing the value of `cpu_temp` in your config to `on`.
- [macOS] Print physical cores instead of hyper-threaded cores. **[@iandrewt](**
- [iOS] Rewrite CPU function.
- [iOS] Rewrite GPU function.
- [Linux] Rewrite GPU function.
- Neofetch also caches the info until reboot.
**Uptime**<br \>
- Rewrote uptime function to use seconds since boot instead of the `uptime` command.
- Every OS/Distro now has the pretty `uptime -p` output!
- Remove `up` from output.
**Resolution**<br \>
- [macOS] Add @2x label for retina resolutions. **[@iandrewt](**
**Memory**<br \>
- [Linux] Correctly calculate used memory.
- The output should now match `conky`, `htop` and etc.
- Added support for Audacious. **[@ncmprhnsbl](**
- Rewrote song function, it's now much faster/cleaner.
## [1.8.1] - 2016-10-04
This release fixes various bugs found in 1.8.
**General**<br \>
- Fixed issues with single args (`-s` `-su`) being treated as values for other args.
## Info
**GPU**<br \>
- Added `gpu_brand` to enable/disable showing GPU brand in output. (AMD/NVIDIA/Intel)
**DE**<br \>
- Added Cinnamon version number to output.
**WM Theme**<br \>
- Fix GNOME showing wrong WM Theme.
**Battery**<br \>
- Fixed battery not appearing when set to `all`.
**Terminal Font**<br \>
- [Termite] Ignore lines starting with `;`.
**Progress Bars**<br \>
- Fixed progress bars displaying incorrectly in image mode.
## Screenshot
- Added support for uploading screenshots to Imgur and Teknik.
- Adds two new identical flags `--upload` and `-su`.
- Changed default screenshot name so that it works on Windows.
## Images
**General**<br \>
- Added a tiny delay before running w3m-img which suprisingly fixed all flickering issues in VTE based terminals. See [#349](
**Wallpaper**<br \>
- Fix wallpapers with spaces in the filename from not showing up.
## Ascii
- Added logo mode which only displays the ascii art.
- Adds two new identical flags `--logo` and `-L`.
## [1.8] - 2016-10-02
This version of neofetch is vastly different from the previous versions and this
changelog won't cover everything that's changed. Have a look through the commit
history for more info.
There were a lot of major changes to how things work in this release so I'm expecting
bugs/things not working for people. Depending on what comes up we my release a few 1.8.X
This changelog is a bit of a mess this time around and I apologize but it should at least
get the message across.
Android support didn't make it into this release as it requires testing on more devices.
If you've got a device running android and would like to help test out the branch, check
out the open PR here: [#322](
This release also saw a lot more contributors which makes me really happy. Thanks to those
- Added `--version` to print the neofetch version.
- Fix issue when title and background were both color `7`.
- Fix issue with incorrect text color when `barinfo` is set.
- Fixed various bugs.
- Fix lint errors.
- Moved all whitespace trimming to a dedicated function.
- Neofetch will no longer have any whitespace issues in the output.
- See [trim()](
- Quote all variable/command substitutions.
- Removed `line_wrap` as having it set to `on` broke the output.
- Removed `stdout` mode since it's been broken for a while now and I don't see the<br\>
point in fixing it.
- Removed in-script config in favor of sourcing the default user config.
- Remove all instances of `! -z` since they're pointless.
- Remove all `bc` usage by simplifying math.
- Suppress `getconfig` and `getscriptdir` errors.
- Suppress `xprop` errors since it's now an optional dependency.
- The prompt is now dynamically set in image mode instead of being anchored to the<br \>
bottom of the window. See [#279]( and [#299]( for examples.
- The title at the top is now much more colorful.
- Moved commands near the bottom of the script to a new function called `main`.
- Use `read -s` instead of `stty -echo` and `stty +echo`.
- Use faster `$(())` syntax for index variables.
-`-v` now shows where the config files were sourced from.
- Cleanup
- Neofetch no longer clears the screen when run in ascii or image=off modes.
- You can use the old behavior by aliasing `clear && neofetch` to `neofetch`.
### OS
- Added support for Windows 10 Linux subsystem. **[@konimex](**
- Added support for GuixSD. **[@konimex](**
- Added support for Devuan Linux.
- Added support for GalliumOS.
- Added support for Openwrt.
- Added support for PacBSD. **[@vendion](**
- Added support for Rosa.
- Added support for Solaris (Oracle / OpenIndiana). **[@konimex](**
- Added support for macOS Sierra. **[@iandrewt](**
- Fixed various iOS related issues.
### Packages
- Added Cydia package for iOS.
- See
<palign="center">Neofetch now works with bright color schemes and uses the foreground color instead of hard-coding white.</p>
<br \>
- Fixed buggy colors in older versions of *BSD, OS X and Linux.
- The default text colors now work on bright color schemes. We no longer force<br \>
the color white, it's now based on your foreground color.
- Progress bars are now by default colored based on your distro's logo colors.
- Color blocks now work in older systems and in Travis CI.
### Packages
- Neofetch is now is Void Linux's official repos. **[@konimex](**
### Info
- Functions now no longer print `Unknown` when they fail, they now don't appear at all.
**Window Manager Theme**<br \>
- Added new `WM Theme` function to print window manager themes.
**OS**<br \>
- [ CRUX ] Also print the CRUX version. **[@onodera-punpun](**
- [ Fedora ] Fixed a weird detection bug.
**CPU**<br \>
- [ Windows ] Don't print CPU cores if detection fails.
- [ BSD ] Fixed extremely long output.
- Fixed broken CPU speed when source is `/proc/cpuinfo`.
**GPU**<br \>
- Don't show GPU output on unsupported OS.
-`Nvidia` is now displayed as `NVIDIA`. **[@firstEncounter](**
- Intel GPUs now all appear as `Intel Integrated Graphics`. to avoid naming issues.
- [ OS X ] We now cache the GPU value.
**Battery**<br \>
- Show charging state in battery output. **[@dawidd6](** and **[@iandrewt](**
- [ Windows / OpenBSD ] Fix blank battery output when battery isn't found.
**Resolution**<br \>
- [ Windows ] Don't print resolution if detection fails.
- [ Linux / OSX / BSD ] Print refresh rate next to resolutions.
- [ Linux ] Multi monitor support using `xorg-xrandr`.
- [ Linux ] Refresh rate support using `xorg-xrandr`.
- [ OSX ] Added support for using `screenresolution` to print the output.<br \>
This is much faster than the default method.
**Packages**<br \>
- Listing homebrew packages is now super fast. **[@iandrewt](**
**Public IP**<br \>
- Made public IP function faster by using `dig` if available. **[@iandrewt](**
- Each source now has a timeout to avoid a hang.
- If the IP detection fails we try another method.
**Theme**<br \>
- Use `$GTK2_RC_FILES` if the envar is set. **[@onespaceman](**
**Desktop Environment**<br \>
- Added OS X detection.
**Song**<br \>
- [ MPD ] Fixed function when mpd is running on another PC and not your own.
- Song now displays `Not Playing` instead of `Unknown` when no music player is found.
- Added support for Google Play Music Desktop Player (adds optional dependency of [`gpmdp-bash`]( **[@iandrewt](**
**Disk**<br \>
- Added new display option `perc` to display just the percentage with the progress bar.
- Fetch now has a **gitter** chatroom. [](
- Fixed text padding when the user didn't have the locale `en_US.UTF8` installed.
- Cleaned up parts of the script.
### OS
We now support almost all the Linux distros Screenfetch supports excluding
the distros that have been discontinued.
Added support for these distros:
-`Puppy Linux`
-`Kali Linux`
-`Zorin OS`
-`Void Linux`
-`Scientific Linux`
-`Chrome OS`
-`Chromium OS`
### Makefile
- Fixed makefile on OS X El Captain.
-`$PREFIX` is now also used when installing ascii art and the default config
### Wallpaper
- Fetch now supports using `MATE` desktop's wallpapers.
- Fetch now fallsback to ascii mode if the found wallpaper is an xml file. This
fixes issues where the wallpaper set by gsettings is an xml file.
### Info
**Desktop Environment**:
- Added support for showing the user's DE.
**Window Manager**:
-`xprop` is now a required dependency. See **[#79](**.
- Renamed 'windowmanager' to 'wm'
**IP Address**:
- Added function to get your local IP
- Added function to get your public IP [1]
- Added `--ip_host` and `$public_ip_host` which allow you to change the website we
ping for the public IP.
[1] Public IP requires an internet connection as we ping a website.
- Check for packages based on which package manager is installed instead of
using a hardcoded list of distros.
- Added support for getting DE theme.
- Added support for getting KDE theme.
- Renamed `getgtk` to `getstyle`.
- Dropped the `gtk` from these printinfo functions `gtktheme`, `gtkicons`
and `gtkfont`. Theme output will be blank until you make these changes:
``` sh
# Old Naming
info "GTK Theme" gtktheme
info "Icons" gtkicons
info "Font" gtkfont
# New Naming
info "Theme" theme
info "Icons" icons
info "Font" font
-`gpu_shorthand` is now enabled by default.
- We now favor showing the dedicated GPU over the integrated one.
- Added support for `MOC`.
- We now check to see if the player is running before printing anything.
- We now check playback state and show it if relevent.
- [Linux] Fixed uptime when it's under 1 minute.
### Ascii Art
-`--ascii_distro` now also enables ascii mode.
- Fix missing ascii art when fetch is installed in /usr/local
- Update Deepin's ascii art to their new logo
## [1.1] - 2016-02-06
# Fetch 1.1 changelog
Over the past 10~ days over **190** more commits have been pushed to master and the
script has had some big changes. Thanks to everyone who has contributed, you've been