diff --git a/Readme.md b/Readme.md index 21c7e947..4ffcacdb 100644 --- a/Readme.md +++ b/Readme.md @@ -96,6 +96,8 @@ These are the script's optional dependencies: **NOTE:** For the images to be sized correctly you need to set the ```$font_width``` variable. If you don't know your font width in pixels keep trying values until the image is sized correctly. +You can also use the launch flag ```--font_width``` to set it on the fly. + You can customize what info to print by editing the info array near the top of the script. The array looks like this: @@ -107,15 +109,7 @@ info=( "Kernel: getkernel" "Uptime: getuptime" "Packages: getpackages" - "Shell: getshell" - "Resolution: getresolution" - "Window Manager: getwindowmanager" - "GTK Theme: getgtktheme" - "Icons: getgtkicons" - "CPU: getcpu" - "Memory: getmemory" - "linebreak" - "getcols" + etc... ) ``` @@ -123,16 +117,6 @@ See these comments inside the script for more info: https://github.com/dylanaraps/fetch/blob/master/fetch#L29 -The script now supports dynamic image sizing and padding, - it's enabled by default and there's a variable you - need to set for it to work correctly. - -You can either change the variable $fontwidth inside of the - script or launch it with ```--font_width num```. - -Once you set the var the script will scale the image and padding - to fit your terminal window. - ``` usage: ${0##*/} [--colors 1 2 3 4 5] [--kernel "\$\(uname -rs\)"]