diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 7cfb5a7f..acb68c11 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -283,9 +283,9 @@ alias fetch2="fetch \ #### How do I enable screenfetch mode? -Launching the script with `--ascii distro` or setting `image="ascii"` will
-launch the script in "screenfetch mode". The script will display yout distro's ascii
-next to the info, exactly like screenfetch. +Launching the script with `--ascii distro` or setting `ascii="distro"` and `image="ascii"`
+inside the script will launch the script in "screenfetch mode". The script will display your
+distro's ascii next to the info, exactly like screenfetch. ![arch](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/972490362219f4aa087a0a9491df24d506590542/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f746741504a76322e706e67)