diff --git a/Readme.md b/Readme.md
index ab7c9f6c..bc6d8511 100644
--- a/Readme.md
+++ b/Readme.md
@@ -1,13 +1,8 @@
# fetch.sh
-### I'm currently rewriting the script from scratch with portability in mind.
This is the home of my fetch script! This script gathers info
about your system and prints it to the terminal.
-I've spent the past few days rewriting this and it now supports
-other distros as well as a ton of new features and bug fixes.
If you're having any issues or have any ideas, please open an issue!
I can't test on many other distros and I want this to work
for as many people as possible.
@@ -41,18 +36,15 @@ These are the script's optional dependencies:
## Usage
The script now supports dynamic image sizing and padding,
they're enabled by default and there's a variable you
it's enabled by default and there's a variable you
need to set for it to work correctly.
You can either change the variable $fontwidth inside of the
script or launch it with "--fontwidth num".
script or launch it with ```--font_width num```.
Once you set the var the script will scale the image and padding
to fit your terminal window.
-You can disable this by changing the var "$img_auto" or by launching
the script with "--size px".
Please report any bugs or issues you're having with this as I can't
test with many configurations.
@@ -70,53 +62,52 @@ Info:
--winman string/cmd Manually set the window manager
--cpu string/cmd Manually set the cpu name
--memory string/cmd Manually set the memory
---speed string/cmd Manually set the cpu speed
--speed_type Change the type of cpu speed to get
Possible values: current, min, max
--song string/cmd Manually set the current song
Text Colors:
---colors 1 2 3 4 Change the color of text
+--colors 1 2 3 4 5 Change the color of text
(title, subtitle, colon, info)
---titlecol num Change the color of the title
---subtitlecol num Change the color of the subtitle
---coloncol num Change the color of the colons
---infocol num Change the color of the info
+--title_color num Change the color of the title
+--subtitle_color num Change the color of the subtitle
+--colon_color num Change the color of the colons
+--underline_color num Change the color of the underline
+--info_color num Change the color of the info
Text Formatting:
--underline on/off Enable/Disable title underline
--underline_char char Character to use when underlineing title
---linewrap on/off Enable/Disable line wrapping
+--line_wrap on/off Enable/Disable line wrapping
--bold on/off Enable/Disable bold text
Color Blocks:
---printcols start end Range of colors to print as blocks
---blockwidth num Width of color blocks
--color_blocks on/off Enable/Disable the color blocks
+--block_range start end --v
+ Range of colors to print as blocks
+--block_width num Width of color blocks
--image Image to display with the script
The image gets priority over other
images: (wallpaper, \$img)
---fontwidth Used to automatically size the image
---size px Change the size of the image
---smart_crop on/off Smart crop images with plain color backgrounds
---smart_crop_mode Which mode to use with smart crop
- Takes the values: fit, fill
---img_auto on/off Enable/Disable automatic i mage sizing
---cropoffset value Change the crop offset. Possible values:
- northwest, north, northeast, west, center
- east, southwest, south, southeast
---padding num How many spaces to pad the text
- to the right
+--font_width px Used to automatically size the image
+--split_size num Width of img/text splits
+ A value of 2 makes each split half the terminal
+ width and etc
+--crop_mode Which crop mode to use
+ Takes the values: normal, fit, fill
+--crop_offset value Change the crop offset for crop_mode normal.
+ Possible values: northwest, north, northeast,
+ west, center, east, southwest, south, southeast
--xoffset px How close the image will be
to the left edge of the window
--yoffset px How close the image will be
to the top edge of the window
--gap num Gap between image and text right side
---images on/off Enable/Disable all images"
+--images on/off Enable/Disable all images
--wall on/off Enable/Disable the wallpaper function
and fallback to \$img
--clean Remove all cropped images
@@ -136,17 +127,14 @@ Other:
Here's what's on my todo list
-- Add support for Max OS X
-- Add an easy way to define info prefixes at launch.
-- Cleanup
+- Add uptime support for OS X
- Add options to bold other text in the script (info, underline, colons)
-- Fix issues with multiline prompts
-### Smart Crop mode comparison
+### Crop mode comparison
#### Fit

diff --git a/fetch.sh b/fetch.sh
index f1406067..f80c0031 100755
--- a/fetch.sh
+++ b/fetch.sh
@@ -1,31 +1,459 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Fetch info about your system
# Optional Dependencies: (You'll lose these features without them)
# Displaying Images: w3m
# Image Cropping: ImageMagick
-# Wallpaper Display: feh Window Manager Detection: wmctrl
+# Wallpaper Display: feh
# Current Song: mpc
# Text formatting, dynamic image size and padding: tput
# Created by Dylan Araps
# https://github.com/dylanaraps/dotfiles
-# Info Prefixes {{{
-# The titles that come before the info (Ram:, Cpu:, Uptime:)
-# TODO: Add an easy way to specify these at launch.
+# Speed up script by not using unicode
+export LC_ALL=C
-title_windowmanager="Window Manager"
+# Config Options {{{
+# Info Options {{{
+# Info
+# What to display and in what order.
+# Format is: "Subtitle: function name"
+# Additional lines you can use include:
+# "underline" "linebreak" "echo: msg here" "title: title here"
+# You can also include your own lines by using:
+# "echo: subtitlehere: $(custom cmd here)"
+ "gettitle"
+ "underline"
+ "OS: getos"
+ "Kernel: getkernel"
+ "Uptime: getuptime"
+ "Packages: getpackages"
+ "Shell: getshell"
+ "Window Manager: getwindowmanager"
+ "CPU: getcpu"
+ "Memory: getmemory"
+ "Song: getsong"
+ "linebreak"
+ "getcols"
+ "linebreak"
+# CPU
+# CPU speed type
+# --speed_type current/min/max
+# Color Blocks
+# Color block range
+# --block_range start end
+# Toggle color blocks
+# --color_blocks on/off
+# Color block width
+# --color_block_width num
+# }}}
+# Text Colors {{{
+# --colors 1 2 3 4 5
+# --title_color num
+# --subtitle_color num
+# --colon_color num
+# --underline_color num
+# --info_color num
+# }}}
+# Text Options {{{
+# Toggle line wrapping
+# --line_wrap on/off
+# Toggle bold text
+# --bold on/off
+# Toggle title underline
+# --underline on/off
+# Underline character
+# --underline_char char
+# }}}
+# Image Options {{{
+# Toggle all images
+# --images on/off
+# Thumbnail directory
+# Split Size
+# Sizing for the img and text splits
+# The larger the value the less space fetch will take up.
+# The default value of 2 splits the image and text at
+# half terminal width each.
+# A value of 3 splits them at a third width each and etc.
+# --split_size num
+# Use current wallpaper as the image
+# --wall on/off
+# Default image to use if wallpaper use is disabled
+# --image img
+# Crop mode
+# --crop_mode normal/fit/fill
+# Crop offset
+# Only affects normal mode.
+# --crop_offset northwest/north/northeast/west/center
+# east/southwest/south/southeast
+# Font width
+# Used when calculating dynamic image size
+# Right gap between image and text
+# --gap num
+# Image offsets
+# --xoffset px
+# --yoffset px
+# }}}
+# }}}
+# Gather Info {{{
+# Get Operating System
+case "$(uname)" in
+ "Linux")
+ if type -p crux >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ os="CRUX"
+ else
+ os="$(awk -F'=' '/^NAME=/ {printf $2; exit}' /etc/*ease)"
+ os=${os#\"*}
+ os=${os%*\"}
+ fi
+ ;;
+ "Darwin")
+ os="Mac OS X"
+ ;;
+# Get Title
+gettitle () {
+ title="${USER}@$(hostname)"
+# Get kernel version
+getkernel() {
+ kernel="$(uname -r)"
+# Get uptime
+getuptime () {
+ case "$os" in
+ "Mac OS X")
+ # TODO: Fix uptime for OS X
+ uptime="Unknown"
+ ;;
+ *) uptime="$(uptime -p)" ;;
+ esac
+# Get package count
+getpackages () {
+ case "$os" in
+ "Arch Linux"|"Parabola GNU/Linux-libre"|"Manjaro"|"Antergos")
+ packages="$(pacman -Q | wc -l)"
+ ;;
+ "void")
+ packages="$(xbps-query -l | wc -l)"
+ ;;
+ "Ubuntu"|"Mint"|"Debian"|"Kali Linux"|"Deepin Linux")
+ packages="$(dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall$ | wc -l)"
+ ;;
+ "Slackware")
+ packages="$(ls -1 /var/log/packages | wc -l)"
+ ;;
+ "Gentoo"|"Funtoo")
+ packages="$(ls -d /var/db/pkg/*/* | wc -l)"
+ ;;
+ "Fedora"|"openSUSE"|"Red Hat Enterprise Linux"|"CentOS")
+ packages="$(rpm -qa | wc -l)"
+ ;;
+ "CRUX")
+ packages="$(pkginfo -i | wc -l)"
+ ;;
+ "Mac OS X")
+ packages="$(pkgutil --pkgs | wc -l)"
+ packages=${packages//[[:blank:]]/}
+ ;;
+ *) packages="Unknown" ;;
+ esac
+# Get shell
+getshell () {
+ shell="$SHELL"
+# Get window manager
+getwindowmanager () {
+ if [ -e "$HOME/.xinitrc" ]; then
+ xinitrc=$(awk '/^[^#]*exec/ {print $2}' "${HOME}/.xinitrc")
+ windowmanager="${xinitrc/-session/}"
+ else
+ case "$os" in
+ "Mac OS X")
+ windowmanager="Quartz Compositor"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ windowmanager="Unknown"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+# Get cpu
+getcpu () {
+ case $os in
+ "Mac OS X")
+ cpu="$(sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string)"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ cpu="$(awk -F ': ' '/model name/ {printf $2; exit}' /proc/cpuinfo)"
+ case $speed_type in
+ current) speed="$(lscpu | awk '/CPU MHz:/ {printf $3}')" ;;
+ min) speed="$(lscpu | awk '/CPU min MHz:/ {printf $4}')" ;;
+ max) speed="$(lscpu | awk '/CPU max MHz:/ {printf $4}')" ;;
+ esac
+ # Convert mhz to ghz without bc
+ speed=$((${speed/.*/} / 100))
+ speed=${speed:0:1}.${speed:1}
+ cpu="$cpu @ ${speed}GHz"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Remove uneeded patterns from cpu output
+ # This is faster than sed/gsub
+ cpu=${cpu//(tm)/}
+ cpu=${cpu//(TM)/}
+ cpu=${cpu//(r)/}
+ cpu=${cpu//(R)/}
+ cpu=${cpu// CPU/}
+ cpu=${cpu// Processor/}
+ cpu=${cpu// Six-Core/}
+# Get memory
+getmemory () {
+ case $os in
+ "Mac OS X")
+ memtotal=$(printf "$(sysctl -n hw.memsize)"/1024^2 | bc)
+ memwired=$(vm_stat | awk '/wired/ { print $4 }')
+ memactive=$(vm_stat | awk '/active / { print $3 }')
+ memcompressed=$(vm_stat | awk '/occupied/ { print $5 }')
+ memused=$(((${memwired//.} + ${memactive//.} + ${memcompressed//.}) * 4 / 1024))
+ memory="${memused}MB / ${memtotal}MB"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ mem="$(awk 'NR < 4 {printf $2 " "}' /proc/meminfo)"
+ # Split the string above into 3 vars
+ # This is faster than using an array.
+ set $mem
+ memtotal=$1
+ memfree=$2
+ memavail=$3
+ memused="$((memtotal - memavail))"
+ memory="$(( ${memused%% *} / 1024))MB / $(( ${memtotal%% *} / 1024))MB"
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Get song
+getsong () {
+ song=$(mpc current 2>/dev/null || printf "%s" "Unknown")
+getcols () {
+ if [ "$color_blocks" == "on" ]; then
+ printf "%s" "${padding}"
+ while [ $start -le $end ]; do
+ printf "%s%${blockwidth}s" "$(tput setab $start)"
+ start=$((start + 1))
+ # Split the blocks at 8 colors
+ [ $end -ge 9 ] && [ $start -eq 8 ] && \
+ printf "\n%s" "${clear}${padding}"
+ done
+ # Clear formatting
+ printf "%s" "$clear"
+ fi
+# }}}
+# Images {{{
+getimage () {
+ # Check if the directory exists
+ [ ! -d "$imgtempdir" ] && (mkdir "$imgtempdir" || exit)
+ # Get columns
+ columns=$(tput cols)
+ # Image size is half of the terminal
+ imgsize=$((columns * font_width / split_size))
+ # Padding is half the terminal width + gap
+ padding="$(tput cuf $((columns / split_size + gap)))"
+ # If wall=on, Get image to display from current wallpaper.
+ if [ "$wall" == "on" ]; then
+ img=$(awk '/feh/ {printf $3}' "$HOME/.fehbg")
+ img=${img#\'*}
+ img=${img%*\'}
+ fi
+ # Get name of image and prefix it with it's crop mode and offset
+ imgname="$crop_mode-$crop_offset-${img##*/}"
+ # This check allows you to resize the image at launch
+ if [ -f "$imgtempdir/$imgname" ]; then
+ imgheight=$(identify -format "%h" "$imgtempdir/$imgname")
+ [ $imgheight != $imgsize ] && rm "$imgtempdir/$imgname"
+ fi
+ # Check to see if the thumbnail exists before we do any cropping.
+ if [ ! -f "$imgtempdir/$imgname" ]; then
+ # Get image size so that we can do a better crop
+ size=$(identify -format "%w %h" $img)
+ width=${size%% *}
+ height=${size##* }
+ # This checks to see if height is geater than width
+ # so we can do a better crop of portrait images.
+ if [ $height -gt $width ]; then
+ size=$width
+ else
+ size=$height
+ fi
+ case "$crop_mode" in
+ fit)
+ c=$(convert "$img" -colorspace srgb -format "%[pixel:p{0,0}]" info:)
+ convert \
+ "$img" \
+ -trim +repage \
+ -gravity south \
+ -background "$c" \
+ -extent "$size"x"$size" \
+ -scale "$imgsize"x"$imgsize" \
+ "$imgtempdir/$imgname"
+ ;;
+ fill)
+ c=$(convert "$img" -colorspace srgb -format "%[pixel:p{0,0}]" info:)
+ convert \
+ "$img" \
+ -trim +repage \
+ -scale "$imgsize"x"$imgsize"^ \
+ -background "$c" \
+ -extent "$imgsize"x"$imgsize" \
+ "$imgtempdir/$imgname"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ convert \
+ "$img" \
+ -gravity $crop_offset \
+ -crop "$size"x"$size"+0+0 \
+ -scale "$imgsize"x"$imgsize" \
+ "$imgtempdir/$imgname"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ # The final image
+ img="$imgtempdir/$imgname"
# }}}
@@ -34,317 +462,28 @@ title_song="Song"
# Text Formatting {{{
-# Line wrap
-# Set this to 0 or use the flag "--wrap on/off" to disable
-# line wrapping. Really useful for small terminal windows
-# and long lines.
-# Set to "", comment this line or use the flag "--bold on/off"
-# to disable all bold text.
-# Whether or not to underline the title.
-# Configurable at launch with "--underline on/off"
-# Character to underline title with
-# Configurable at launch with "--underline_char char"
-# Default colors
-# Colors can be defined at launch with:
-# "--titlecol 1, --subtitlecol 2, --coloncol 3, --infocol 4"
-# Or the shorthand "-c/--color 1 2 3 4"
-# Or by editing them below.
-title_color=$(tput setaf 7)
-subtitle_color=$(tput setaf 1)
-colon_color=$(tput setaf 7) # Also changes underline color
-info_color=$(tput setaf 7)
-# Reset formatting
-# Removing this line will fuck up the text formatting
-clear=$(tput sgr0)
-# Amount of left padding to use when images are disabled.
-# The variable takes a count of spaces. So a value of 10
-# will pad the text to the right 10 spaces.
-# }}}
-# Custom Image {{{
-# Enable or disable the use of images (Disable images at launch with "--images on/off")
-# If "on", fetch will use a cropped version of your wallpaper as the image
-# (Disable this at launch with "--wall off")
-# NOTE: This is only compatible with feh, I can add support for more
-# wallpaper setters but you'll need to show me a way to get the current
-# wallpaper from the commandline.
-# The image to use if wall="off". There's also the launch flag "--image"
-# to set a custom image at launch.
-# Image size is based on terminal size
-# Using the flag "--size" sets this to off.
-# This is experimental and needs testing. ( Off by default )
-# Smart crop images with plain color backgrounds.
-# What this means is that your solid bg waifu wallpaper will be cropped around
-# your waifu no matter where she is in the image.
-# Smart crop has two modes, fit and fill.
-# Fit: Fit the whole character into the crop.
-# Fill: Fit a portrait of the character into the crop.
-# Fit gives the best results when the character isn't cut off at the sides.
-# Image size to use if img_auto="off"
-# Also configureable at launch with "--size"
-# Font width is needed to properly calulate the image size
-# If there's a gap on the right try increasing the value by 1
-# If there's an overlap try decreasing the value by 1
-# Gap is the amount of space between the image and the text on the right
-# Image size/offset
-# (Customizable at launch with these flags: --xoffset 0 --yoffset 0")
-# Default crop offset (Customizable at launch with --cropoffset)
-# Possible values:
-# northwest, north, northeast, west, center, east, southwest, south, southeast
-# Directory to store cropped images
-# }}}
-# Get Info {{{
-# Commands to use when gathering info
-# Title (Configurable with "-t" and "--title" at launch)
-# To use the usual "user@hostname" change the line below to:
-# Operating System (Configurable with "-O" and "--distro" at launch)
-# You can manually set this if the command below doesn't work for you.
-if type -p crux >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- os="CRUX"
- os=$(awk '/^NAME=/' /etc/*ease | sed -n 's/^NAME=//p' | tr -d '"')
-# Linux kernel name/version (Configurable with "-K" and "--kernel" at launch)
-kernel=$(uname -r)
-# System Uptime (Configurable with "-U" and "--uptime" at launch)
-uptime=$(uptime -p)
-# Total number of packages (Configurable with "-P" and "--packages" at launch)
-# If your package manager can't be found open an issue on my github repo.
-# (Link is at the top)
-getpackages () {
- case $os in
- 'void') \
- packages=$(xbps-query -l | wc -l) ;;
- 'Arch Linux'|'Parabola GNU/Linux-libre'|'Manjaro'|'Antergos') \
- packages=$(pacman -Q | wc -l) ;;
- 'Ubuntu'|'Mint'|'Debian'|'Kali Linux'|'Deepin Linux') \
- packages=$(dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall$ | wc -l) ;;
- 'Slackware') \
- packages=$(ls -1 /var/log/packages | wc -l) ;;
- 'Gentoo'|'Funtoo') \
- packages=$(ls -d /var/db/pkg/*/* | wc -l) ;;
- 'Fedora'|'openSUSE'|'Red Hat Enterprise Linux'|'CentOS') \
- packages=$(rpm -qa | wc -l) ;;
- 'CRUX') \
- packages=$(pkginfo -i | wc -l) ;;
- *) packages="unknown" ;;
- esac
+underline () {
+ uline=$(printf %"$length"s)
+ uline=${uline// /$underline_char}
+colors () {
+ title_color="$(tput setaf $title_color)"
+ subtitle_color="$(tput setaf $subtitle_color)"
+ colon_color="$(tput setaf $colon_color)"
+ underline_color="$(tput setaf $underline_color)"
+ info_color="$(tput setaf $info_color)"
-# Shell (Configurable with "-s" and "--shell" at launch)
-# Window manager (Configurable with "-W" and "--windowmanager" at launch)
-# (depends on wmctrl)
-# This can be detected without wmctrl by using an array of window manager
-# process names and pgrep but it's really slow.
-# (Doubles script startup time in some cases).
-# If you don't want to install wmctrl you can either edit the var below,
-# export the "windowmanager" variable in your shell's configuration file,
-# or run the script with: --windowmanager wmname
-# windowmanager="openbox"
-getwindowmanager () {
- if type -p wmctrl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- windowmanager=$(wmctrl -m | awk '/Name:/ {printf $2}')
- elif [ -e ~/.xinitrc ]; then
- windowmanager=$(grep -v "^#" "${HOME}/.xinitrc" | tail -n 1 | cut -d " " -f2)
+bold () {
+ if [ "$bold" == "on" ]; then
+ bold="$(tput bold)"
- windowmanager="Unknown"
+ bold=""
-# Processor (Configurable with "-C", "-S" and "--cpu", "--speed" at launch)
-cpu="$(awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"} /model name/ {print $2; exit}' /proc/cpuinfo |\
- awk 'BEGIN{FS="@"; OFS="\n"} { print $1; exit }' |\
- sed -e 's/\((tm)\|(TM)\)//' -e 's/\((R)\|(r)\)//' -e 's/^\ //')"
-# Get current/min/max cpu speed
-cpuspeed () {
- case $speed_type in
- current) speed="$(lscpu | awk '/CPU MHz:/ {printf "scale=1; " $3 " / 1000 \n"}' | bc -l)" ;;
- min) speed="$(lscpu | awk '/CPU min MHz:/ {printf "scale=1; " $4 " / 1000 \n"}' | bc -l)" ;;
- max) speed="$(lscpu | awk '/CPU max MHz:/ {printf "scale=1; " $4 " / 1000 \n"}' | bc -l)" ;;
- esac
-# Memory (Configurable with "--memory" at launch)
-# Print used ram / total ram
-# This function checks the "free" command's version as
-# version 3.3.0 changed the layout of columns.
-getmemory () {
- freeversion=$(free --version | awk '{printf $4}')
- if [ ${freeversion//.} -gt 330 ] || [${freeversion//.} -gt 3300 ]; then
- memory=$(free -m | awk '/Mem:/ {printf $3 "MB / " $2 "MB"}')
- else
- usedmem=$(free -m | awk '/cache:/ {print $3}')
- totalmem=$(free -m | awk '/Mem:/ {print $2}')
- memory="${usedmem}MB / ${totalmem}MB"
- fi
-# Currently playing song/artist (Configurable with "-m" and "--song" at launch)
-if type -p mpc >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- song=$(mpc current)
- song="Unknown"
-# Print terminal colors in a line
-# (Configurable with "--printcols start end" at launch)
-# Start/End are vars for the range of colors to print
-# The default values below print 8 colors in total.
-# Print the color blocks by default.
-# Widh of the color blocks
-printcols () {
- while [ "$start" -le "$end" ]; do
- printf "%s%${blockwidth}s" "$(tput setab $start)"
- start=$((start + 1))
- # Split the blocks at 8 colors
- [ $end -ge 9 ] && [ $start -eq 8 ] && printf "\n%${pad}s" "$clear$pad"
- done
- # Clear formatting
- printf %s "$clear"
-# }}}
-# Usage {{{
-usage () {
- printf '%s\n'
- printf '%s\n' "usage: ${0##*/} [--colors 1 2 4 5] [--kernel \"\$(uname -rs)\"]"
- printf '%s\n'
- printf '%s\n' " Info:"
- printf '%s\n' " --title string Change the title at the top"
- printf '%s\n' " --distro string/cmd Manually set the distro"
- printf '%s\n' " --kernel string/cmd Manually set the kernel"
- printf '%s\n' " --uptime string/cmd Manually set the uptime"
- printf '%s\n' " --packages string/cmd Manually set the package count"
- printf '%s\n' " --shell string/cmd Manually set the shell"
- printf '%s\n' " --winman string/cmd Manually set the window manager"
- printf '%s\n' " --cpu string/cmd Manually set the cpu name"
- printf '%s\n' " --memory string/cmd Manually set the memory"
- printf '%s\n' " --speed string/cmd Manually set the cpu speed"
- printf '%s\n' " --speed_type Change the type of cpu speed to get"
- printf '%s\n' " Possible values: current, min, max"
- printf '%s\n' " --song string/cmd Manually set the current song"
- printf '%s\n'
- printf '%s\n' " Text Colors:"
- printf '%s\n' " --colors 1 2 3 4 Change the color of text"
- printf '%s\n' " (title, subtitle, colon, info)"
- printf '%s\n' " --titlecol num Change the color of the title"
- printf '%s\n' " --subtitlecol num Change the color of the subtitle"
- printf '%s\n' " --coloncol num Change the color of the colons"
- printf '%s\n' " --infocol num Change the color of the info"
- printf '%s\n'
- printf '%s\n' " Text Formatting:"
- printf '%s\n' " --underline on/off Enable/Disable title underline"
- printf '%s\n' " --underline_char char Character to use when underlineing title"
- printf '%s\n' " --linewrap on/off Enable/Disable line wrapping"
- printf '%s\n' " --bold on/off Enable/Disable bold text"
- printf '%s\n'
- printf '%s\n' " Color Blocks:"
- printf '%s\n' " --printcols start end Range of colors to print as blocks"
- printf '%s\n' " --blockwidth num Width of color blocks"
- printf '%s\n' " --color_blocks on/off Enable/Disable the color blocks"
- printf '%s\n'
- printf '%s\n' " Image:"
- printf '%s\n' " --image Image to display with the script"
- printf '%s\n' " The image gets priority over other"
- printf '%s\n' " images: (wallpaper, \$img)"
- printf '%s\n' " --fontwidth px Used to automatically size the image"
- printf '%s\n' " --size px Change the size of the image"
- printf '%s\n' " --smart_crop on/off Smart crop images with plain color backgrounds"
- printf '%s\n' " --smart_crop_mode Which mode to use with smart crop"
- printf '%s\n' " Takes the values: fit, fill"
- printf '%s\n' " --img_auto on/off Enable/Disable automatic i mage sizing"
- printf '%s\n' " --cropoffset value Change the crop offset. Possible values:"
- printf '%s\n' " northwest, north, northeast, west, center"
- printf '%s\n' " east, southwest, south, southeast"
- printf '%s\n'
- printf '%s\n' " --padding num How many spaces to pad the text"
- printf '%s\n' " to the right"
- printf '%s\n' " --xoffset px How close the image will be "
- printf '%s\n' " to the left edge of the window"
- printf '%s\n' " --yoffset px How close the image will be "
- printf '%s\n' " --gap num Gap between image and text right side"
- printf '%s\n' " to the top edge of the window"
- printf '%s\n' " --images on/off Enable/Disable all images"
- printf '%s\n' " --wall on/off Enable/Disable the wallpaper function"
- printf '%s\n' " and fallback to \$img"
- printf '%s\n' " --clean Remove all cropped images"
- printf '%s\n'
- printf '%s\n' " Other:"
- printf '%s\n' " --help Print this text and exit"
- printf '%s\n'
- exit 1
+clear="$(tput sgr0)"
# }}}
@@ -353,51 +492,127 @@ usage () {
# Args {{{
-for argument in "$@"; do
+# Usage {{{
+usage () {
+ printf "%s\n"
+ printf "%s\n" "usage: ${0##*/} [--colors 1 2 4 5] [--kernel \"\$(uname -rs)\"]"
+ printf "%s\n"
+ printf "%s\n" " Info:"
+ printf "%s\n" " --title string Change the title at the top"
+ printf "%s\n" " --distro string/cmd Manually set the distro"
+ printf "%s\n" " --kernel string/cmd Manually set the kernel"
+ printf "%s\n" " --uptime string/cmd Manually set the uptime"
+ printf "%s\n" " --packages string/cmd Manually set the package count"
+ printf "%s\n" " --shell string/cmd Manually set the shell"
+ printf "%s\n" " --winman string/cmd Manually set the window manager"
+ printf "%s\n" " --cpu string/cmd Manually set the cpu name"
+ printf "%s\n" " --memory string/cmd Manually set the memory"
+ printf "%s\n" " --speed_type Change the type of cpu speed to get"
+ printf "%s\n" " Possible values: current, min, max"
+ printf "%s\n" " --song string/cmd Manually set the current song"
+ printf "%s\n"
+ printf "%s\n" " Text Colors:"
+ printf "%s\n" " --colors 1 2 3 4 5 Change the color of text"
+ printf "%s\n" " (title, subtitle, colon, underline, info)"
+ printf "%s\n" " --title_color num Change the color of the title"
+ printf "%s\n" " --subtitle_color num Change the color of the subtitle"
+ printf "%s\n" " --colon_color num Change the color of the colons"
+ printf "%s\n" " --underline_color num Change the color of the underlines"
+ printf "%s\n" " --info_color num Change the color of the info"
+ printf "%s\n"
+ printf "%s\n" " Text Formatting:"
+ printf "%s\n" " --underline on/off Enable/Disable title underline"
+ printf "%s\n" " --underline_char char Character to use when underlineing title"
+ printf "%s\n" " --line_wrap on/off Enable/Disable line wrapping"
+ printf "%s\n" " --bold on/off Enable/Disable bold text"
+ printf "%s\n"
+ printf "%s\n" " Color Blocks:"
+ printf "%s\n" " --color_blocks on/off Enable/Disable the color blocks"
+ printf "%s\n" " --block_width num Width of color blocks"
+ printf "%s\n" " --block_range start end --v "
+ printf "%s\n" " Range of colors to print as blocks"
+ printf "%s\n"
+ printf "%s\n" " Image:"
+ printf "%s\n" " --image Image to display with the script"
+ printf "%s\n" " The image gets priority over other"
+ printf "%s\n" " images: (wallpaper, \$img)"
+ printf "%s\n" " --font_width px Used to automatically size the image"
+ printf "%s\n" " --split_size num Width of img/text splits"
+ printf "%s\n" " A value of 2 makes each split half the terminal"
+ printf "%s\n" " width and etc"
+ printf "%s\n" " --crop_mode Which crop mode to use"
+ printf "%s\n" " Takes the values: normal, fit, fill"
+ printf "%s\n" " --crop_offset value Change the crop offset for normal mode."
+ printf "%s\n" " Possible values: northwest, north, northeast,"
+ printf "%s\n" " west, center, east, southwest, south, southeast"
+ printf "%s\n"
+ printf "%s\n" " --xoffset px How close the image will be "
+ printf "%s\n" " to the left edge of the window"
+ printf "%s\n" " --yoffset px How close the image will be "
+ printf "%s\n" " to the top edge of the window"
+ printf "%s\n" " --gap num Gap between image and text right side"
+ printf "%s\n" " to the top edge of the window"
+ printf "%s\n" " --images on/off Enable/Disable all images"
+ printf "%s\n" " --wall on/off Enable/Disable the wallpaper function"
+ printf "%s\n" " and fallback to \$img"
+ printf "%s\n" " --clean Remove all cropped images"
+ printf "%s\n"
+ printf "%s\n" " Other:"
+ printf "%s\n" " --help Print this text and exit"
+ printf "%s\n"
+ exit 1
+# }}}
+while [ ! -z $1 ]; do
case $1 in
# Info
--title) title="$2" ;;
- --distro) os="$2" ;;
+ --os) os="$2" ;;
--kernel) kernel="$2" ;;
--uptime) uptime="$2" ;;
--packages) packages="$2" ;;
--shell) shell="$2" ;;
--winman) windowmanager="$2" ;;
--cpu) cpu="$2" ;;
- --speed) speed="$2" ;;
--speed_type) speed_type="$2" ;;
--memory) memory="$2" ;;
--song) song="$2" ;;
# Text Colors
- --colors) title_color="$(tput setaf $2)"; \
- [ ! -z $3 ] && subtitle_color="$(tput setaf $3)"; \
- [ ! -z $4 ] && colon_color="$(tput setaf $4)"; \
- [ ! -z $5 ] && info_color="$(tput setaf $5)" ;;
- --titlecol) title_color="$(tput setaf $2)" ;;
- --subtitlecol) subtitle_color="$(tput setaf $2)" ;;
- --coloncol) colon_color="$(tput setaf $2)" ;;
- --infocol) info_color="$(tput setaf $2)" ;;
+ --colors) title_color=$2; \
+ [ ! -z $3 ] && subtitle_color=$3; \
+ [ ! -z $4 ] && colon_color=$4; \
+ [ ! -z $4 ] && underline_color=$5; \
+ [ ! -z $5 ] && info_color=$6 ;;
+ --title_color) title_color=$2 ;;
+ --subtitle_color) subtitle_color=$2 ;;
+ --colon_color) colon_color=$2 ;;
+ --underline_color) underline_color=$2 ;;
+ --info_color) info_color=$2 ;;
# Text Formatting
--underline) underline="$2" ;;
--underline_char) underline_char="$2" ;;
- --linewrap) linewrap="$2" ;;
+ --line_wrap) line_wrap="$2" ;;
--bold) bold="$2" ;;
# Color Blocks
- --printcols) start=$2; end=$3 ;;
--color_blocks) color_blocks="$2" ;;
+ --block_range) start=$2; end=$3 ;;
+ --block_width) blockwidth="$2" ;;
# Image
--image) wall="off"; img="$2" ;;
- --fontwidth) fontwidth="$2" ;;
- --size) img_auto="off" imgsize="$2" ;;
- --smart_crop) smart_crop="$2" ;;
- --smart_crop_mode) smart_crop_mode="$2" ;;
- --img_auto) img_auto="off" ;;
- --cropoffset) crop_offset="$2" ;;
- --padding) padding="$2" ;;
+ --font_width) font_width="$2" ;;
+ --split_size) split_size="$2" ;;
+ --crop_mode) crop_mode="$2" ;;
+ --crop_offset) crop_offset="$2" ;;
--xoffset) xoffset="$2" ;;
--yoffset) yoffset="$2" ;;
--gap) gap="$2" ;;
@@ -417,166 +632,112 @@ done
# }}}
-# Image {{{
-# If the script was called with --noimg, disable images and padding
-if [ $images == "on" ]; then
- # Check to see if auto=1
- if [ $img_auto == "on" ]; then
- # Image size is half of the terminal
- imgsize=$(($(tput cols) * fontwidth / 2))
- # Padding is half the terminal width + gap
- padding=$(($(tput cols) / 2 + gap))
- fi
- # If wall=on, Get image to display from current wallpaper.
- # (only works with feh)
- [ $wall == "on" ] && \
- img=$(awk '/feh/ {printf $3}' "$HOME/.fehbg" | sed -e "s/'//g")
- # Get name of image and prefix it with it's crop offset or smart_crop mode
- if [ $smart_crop == "on" ]; then
- imgname="$smart_crop_mode-${img##*/}"
- else
- imgname="$crop_offset-${img##*/}"
- fi
- # This check allows you to resize the image at launch
- if [ -f "$imgtempdir/$imgname" ]; then
- imgheight=$(identify -format "%h" "$imgtempdir/$imgname")
- [ $imgheight != $imgsize ] && rm "$imgtempdir/$imgname"
- fi
- # Check to see if the tempfile exists before we do any cropping.
- if [ ! -f "$imgtempdir/$imgname" ]; then
- # Check if the directory exists and create it if it doesn't
- [ ! -d "$imgtempdir" ] && (mkdir "$imgtempdir" || exit)
- # Get wallpaper size so that we can do a better crop
- size=($(identify -format "%w %h" $img))
- # This checks to see if height is geater than width
- # so we can do a better crop of portrait images.
- if [ ${size[1]} -gt ${size[0]} ]; then
- size=${size[0]}
- else
- size=${size[1]}
- fi
- # Crop the image, resize it and save it to $imgtempdir.
- if [ $smart_crop == "on" ]; then
- # Fixes transparent images having a white bg after -extent
- c=$(convert "$img" -colorspace srgb -format "%[pixel:p{0,0}]" info:)
- if [ $smart_crop_mode == "fit" ]; then
- convert \
- -trim +repage "$img" \
- -gravity south \
- -background "$c" \
- -extent "$size"x"$size" \
- -resize "$imgsize"x"$imgsize" \
- "$imgtempdir/$imgname"
- else
- convert \
- -trim +repage "$img" \
- -resize "$imgsize"x"$imgsize"^ \
- -background "$c" \
- -extent "$imgsize"x"$imgsize" \
- "$imgtempdir/$imgname"
- fi
- else
- convert \
- -crop "$size"x"$size"+0+0 \
- -gravity $crop_offset "$img" \
- -resize "$imgsize"x"$imgsize" \
- "$imgtempdir/$imgname"
- fi
- fi
- # The final image
- img="$imgtempdir/$imgname"
- img=""
-# }}}
# Print Info {{{
-# Get cpu speed
-[ -z $speed ] && cpuspeed
-# Get packages
-[ -z $packages ] && getpackages
-# Get window manager
-[ -z $windowmanager ] && getwindowmanager
-# Get memory
-[ -z $memory ] && getmemory
-# Check for whether or not we bold text
-[ $bold == "on" ] && b=$(tput bold)
-# Padding
-pad=$(printf "%${padding}s")
-# Hide the terminal cursor while we print the info
-tput civis
-# Clear terminal before printing anything
-# Underline title with length of title
-[ $underline == "on" ] && uline=$(printf %"${#title}"s |tr " " "$underline_char")
-# Disable line wrap
-[ $linewrap == "off" ] && printf '\e[?7l'
-# Print the title and underline
-printf "%s\n" "$pad$b$title_color$title$clear"
-[ $underline == "on" ] && printf "%s\n" "$pad$colon_color$uline$clear"
-# Custom printf function to make it easier to edit the info lines.
printinfo () {
- printf "$pad$b$subtitle_color$1$clear"
- printf "$colon_color:$clear "
- printf "%s\n" "$info_color$2$clear"
+ for info in "${info[@]}"; do
+ function=${info#*: }
+ subtitle=${info%:*}
+ case "$info" in
+ echo:*:*)
+ info=${function#*: }
+ subtitle=${function%:*}
+ string="${bold}${subtitle_color}${subtitle}${clear}${colon_color}: ${info_color}${info}"
+ ;;
+ echo:*)
+ string="${info_color}${function}"
+ length=${#function}
+ ;;
+ title:*)
+ string="${bold}${title_color}${function}"
+ length=${#function}
+ ;;
+ linebreak)
+ string=""
+ ;;
+ underline)
+ if [ "$underline" == "on" ]; then
+ underline
+ string="${underline_color}${uline}"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *getos*)
+ continue
+ ;;
+ *:*|*)
+ # Update the var
+ output=${function/get/}
+ typeset -n output=$output
+ # Call the function
+ # [ -z "$output" ] && echo "$function"; time $function; continue
+ [ -z "$output" ] && $function
+ ;;&
+ gettitle)
+ string="${bold}${title_color}${output}"
+ length=${#output}
+ ;;
+ *:*)
+ string="${bold}${subtitle_color}${subtitle}${clear}${colon_color}: ${info_color}${output}"
+ length=${#subtitle}
+ ;;
+ *)
+ string="$output"
+ length=${#output}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ printf "%s\n" "${padding}${string}${clear}"
+ done
-printinfo "$title_os" "$os"
-printinfo "$title_kernel" "$kernel"
-printinfo "$title_uptime" "$uptime"
-printinfo "$title_packages" "$packages"
-printinfo "$title_shell" "$shell"
-printinfo "$title_windowmanager" "$windowmanager"
-printinfo "$title_cpu" "$cpu @ ${speed}GHz"
-printinfo "$title_memory" "$memory"
-printinfo "$title_song" "$song"
-# Display the color blocks
-printf "\n"
-[ $color_blocks == "on" ] && printf "$pad$(printcols)"
-# Enable line wrap again
-[ $linewrap == "off" ] && printf '\e[?7h'
-# If w3mimgviewer is found Display the image
-if type -p /usr/lib/w3m/w3mimgdisplay >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- printf "0;1;$xoffset;$yoffset;$imgsize;$imgsize;;;;;$img\n4;\n3;" |\
- /usr/lib/w3m/w3mimgdisplay
-# Show the cursor again
-tput cnorm
-# Move the cursor to the bottom of the terminal
-tput cup $(tput lines)
# }}}
+# Print The Info {{{
+# Get image
+[ "$images" == "on" ] && getimage
+# Hide the terminal cursor
+tput civis
+# Clear the terminal
+# Disable line wrap
+[ $line_wrap == "off" ] && printf '\e[?7l'
+# Call functions and display info
+# Display the image
+[ "$images" == "on" ] && printf "0;1;$xoffset;$yoffset;$imgsize;$imgsize;;;;;$img\n4;\n3;" |\
+ /usr/lib/w3m/w3mimgdisplay
+# Enable line wrap again
+[ $line_wrap == "off" ] && printf '\e[?7h'
+# Move cursor to bottom and redisplay it.
+printf "cup $(tput lines) \n cuu1 \n cnorm" | tput -S
+# }}}