Term: Rewrite Konsole font detection, closes #576

This commit is contained in:
Michael Straube 2016-12-30 14:43:02 +01:00
parent 673e0420e8
commit 7786934995
1 changed files with 33 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -1568,25 +1568,47 @@ get_term_font() {
get_konsole_profile() {
konsole_windows=($(qdbus "${1}" | awk '/Windows\//'))
for window in "${konsole_windows[@]}"; do
konsole_session="$(qdbus "${1}" "${window}" currentSession)"
if ((child == "$(qdbus "${1}" /Sessions/"${konsole_session}" processId)")); then
konsole_profile="$(qdbus "${1}" /Sessions/"${konsole_session}" environment |\
awk -F '=' '/KONSOLE_PROFILE_NAME/ {print $2}')"
get_konsole_font() {
profile_path="$("${1}" --path data | awk -F':' '{print $1}')/konsole"
# Profile filename can differ from profile name, so find the filename first, take first match
# It's possible that we have more than one file containing the same profile name
profile_filename="$(grep -l "Name=${konsole_profile}" "${profile_path}"/*.profile | head -n 1)"
[[ "${profile_filename}" ]] && term_font="$(awk -F '=|,' '/Font=/ {print $2 " " $3}' "${profile_filename}")"
# If there are no profiles or no font is defined in the profile, Konsole falls back to system's monospace font
# This fails if no fixed font is defined in kdeglobals, Konsole internally uses
# QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::FixedFont) or KGlobalSettings::fixedFont() in qt4 versions
[[ ! "${term_font}" ]] && term_font="$(awk -F '=|,' '/fixed=/ {print $2 " " $3}' "$("${1}" --path config --locate kdeglobals)")"
# Use Process ID from get_term().
# The variable can include 'PPid:' and also whitespace
# so we get rid of it here.
parent="$(trim "${parent/PPid:}")"
# Get PID of current child window / tab
# Get Process ID of current konsole window / tab
child="$(get_ppid "$$")"
# Get all konsole sessions of the parent (all child windows and tabs)
konsole_sessions=($(qdbus org.kde.konsole-"${parent}" | awk '/Sessions\//'))
# We could have both: org.kde.konsole-PPID and org.kde.konsole
get_konsole_profile "org.kde.konsole-${parent}"
[[ ! "${konsole_profile}" ]] && get_konsole_profile "org.kde.konsole"
# Get profile of current session (window / tab)
for session in "${konsole_sessions[@]}"; do
if ((child == "$(qdbus org.kde.konsole-"${parent}" "${session}" processId)")); then
profile="$(qdbus org.kde.konsole-"${parent}" "${session}" environment | awk -F '=' '/KONSOLE_PROFILE_NAME/ {print $2}')"
term_font="$(awk -F '=|,' '/Font=/ {print $2}' "${HOME}/.local/share/konsole/${profile}".profile)"
# Try both: kde5 and kde4
[[ "$(which kf5-config)" ]] && get_konsole_font "kf5-config"
[[ ! "${term_font}" && "$(which kde4-config)" ]] && get_konsole_font "kde4-config"