docs: update
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 122 additions and 6 deletions
@ -6,13 +6,129 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [6.0.1] - N/A
## [6.1.0] - 2019-31-08
- **ascii**: Fixed bug causing files to not work.
- **ascii**: Fixed bug causing files named `ascii` to not load.
- **term_font** [kitty]: Fixed bug with empty config.
- **get_cols**: Variables are now local. [**@asantam**](
- **man_page**: More consistent arg documentation. [**@xPMo**](
<img src="" alt="logo" height="100px">
**Charlène**, **Michael Straube**, @14mRh4X0r, @Crestwave, @GrantM11235, @Mark-Peppermint, @Michal-Szczepaniak, @Renzix, @SibrenVasse, @asantam, @chrissxYT, @chrisweeksnz, @dawidd6, @edward-p, @feren, @fjallarefur, @hpjansson, @iandrewt, @infinitewarp, @jkhsjdhjs, @konimex, @lebensterben, @lightful, @mitchweaver, @ognarb, @protonesso, @rxhanson, @spacelike, @vaygr, @weslly, @xPMo, @zyg812
- Added support for [KISS Linux](
- Added support for [Bonsai Linux]( @mitchweaver
- Added support for [Radix Linux](
- os: Fix HAIKU issues
- ascii: Fixed bug causing ascii files to not work.
- postmarketOS: Replace ASCII logo. @GrantM11235
- postmarketOS: Add small ASCII logo. @GrantM11235
- Fix big Puffy ascii logo. **Charlène**
- ASCII: Updated Artix ASCII with new logo. @konimex
- Add ascii art for Clear Linux. @chrisweeksnz
- new logo for Ataraxia Linux. @protonesso
- ASCII: Add fedora_small. @zyg812
- Added a case for displaying the Ubuntu logo for i3buntu. @chrissxYT
- New Peppermint Logo. @Mark-Peppermint
- ascii: Fix void.
- update Red Hat with new 2019 logo. @infinitewarp
- ascii: Add back old redhat logo (--ascii_distro redhat_old).
- ASCII: Added Feren OS. @konimex
- Linux: Update ASCII for Sailfish OS. @konimex
- Linux: Fix ASCII for Sailfish OS. @Michal-Szczepaniak
- Small tweak to the colours used for the Feren OS Logo. @feren
- general: fix image sizing in VTE terminals.
- general: Fix issue with URxvt and no internal border.
- display_image: Allow Chafa backend to stretch image to desired size. @hpjansson
- term_font [kitty]: Fix bug with empty config.
- term_font: fix issue with konsole font detection. **Michael Straube**
- Robuster kitty font parsing. @SibrenVasse
- term_font: Fix crash when parsing Xresources.
- kitty font parsing where font name has whitespaces. @lebensterben
- term: Fix wrapper scripts in NixOS. Thanks Tdeo.
- Memory [AIX]: Detect memory based on pages (like Solaris) for more accuracy. @konimex
- CPU [Linux/ARM]: Use Hardware field directly. @konimex
- Properly work with multiple GPUs. @lebensterben
- Fix GPU parsing.
- packages: Specify Haiku's pkgman. @Crestwave
- packages: Show IRIX package manager name.
- Use guix directly to report package count instead of counting directories. @spacelike
- Packages [Guix/Nix]: Use if for detecting system and user packages. @konimex
- packages: Fix DragonFlyBSD. Thanks pornguy.
- Set nullglob for package counting. @14mRh4X0r
- packages: Check brew on Linux. @dawidd6
- WM Theme: update for Mojave. @iandrewt
- Handle ${GTK2_RC_FILES} with multiple values. @edward-p
- use "$GTK2_RC_FILES". @edward-p
- song: add strawberry player. **Michael Straube**
- song: Added support for plasma-browser-integration.
- song: add gogglesmm. **Michael Straube**
- song: add xnoise. **Michael Straube**
- support uptime from Android 9+. @lightful
- Retrieve public IP info via drill. @vaygr
- WM: Add support for yabai on macOS. @weslly
- WM: Add support for Rectangle on macOS. @rxhanson
- Removed subshell from ps grep for macOS wm. @rxhanson
- support other versions of ksh. @mitchweaver
- Make neofetch compatible with `libedit`.
- general: Added `--no_config` to disable config file creation.
- Made variables local in get_cols function. @asantam
- Fixed option documentation. @xPMo
- Fixed gnome shell mutter issues.
- cache_uname: improve reading from 'SystemVersion.plist' on macOS and iOS. @jkhsjdhjs
- add device information for latest ios devices. @jkhsjdhjs
- include Fusion/Bionic in iDevice processor names. @jkhsjdhjs
- give precedence to "Hardware" entry in /proc/cpuinfo. @lightful
- config: Show 15 color blocks by default.
- underline: Fix bugs with incorrect lengths.
- Moved guix check below /etc/os-release check. @Renzix
- simple mode: Hide stderr by default.
- Linux: Move /etc/os-release directly below lsb_release. @konimex
- The K Desktop Environment was renamed to Plasma. @ognarb
- Rename GuixSD to Guix System. @fjallarefur
## [6.0.0] - 2019-01-08
Reference in a new issue