# Neofetch 1.6 ### Contributers Thanks to the following people for contributing this release. - **[@iandrewt](https://github.com/iandrewt)** - **[@dawidd6](https://github.com/dawidd6)** - **[@onodera-punpun](https://github.com/onodera-punpun)** ### General - Fixed buggy colors in older versions of \*BSD, OS X and Linux. ### Info **OS**
- [ CRUX ] Also print the CRUX version. **[@onodera-punpun](https://github.com/onodera-punpun)** **CPU**
- [ Windows ] Don't print CPU cores if detection fails. - [ BSD ] Fixed extremely long output. **GPU**
- Don't show GPU output on unsupported OS. **Battery**
- Show charging state in battery output. **[@dawidd6](https://github.com/dawidd6)** and **[@iandrewt](https://github.com/iandrewt)** **Resolution**
- [ Windows ] Don't print resolution if detection fails. - [ Linux / OSX / BSD ] Print refresh rate next to resolutions. - [ Linux ] Multi monitor support. **Public IP**
- Made public IP function faster by using `dig` if available. **[@iandrewt](https://github.com/iandrewt)** **Song**
- [ MPD ] Fixed function when mpd is running on another PC and not your own. - Added support for Google Play Music Desktop Player (adds optional dependency of [`gpmdp-bash`](https://github.com/iandrewt/gpmdp-bash)) **[@iandrewt](https://github.com/iandrewt)** **Disk**
- Added new display option `perc` to display just the percentage with the progress bar. **Memory**
- [ OpenBSD ] Fixed completely broken memory output on OpenBSD. **Uptime**
- [ OSX / BSD ] Performance improvements. **[@iandrewt](https://github.com/iandrewt)** - [ OpenBSD ] Fixed duplicate `up` in output. ### Image - Remove `shuffledir` in favor of '--image path/to/dir/' - Use `printf` instead of `shuf` to pick a random image. ### Ascii - Added ascii art for Qubes OS. - Revamped Alpine Linux's ascii art. - [ OSX ] Fixed incorrect text colors. ### Scrot - Fixed scrot function not using user defined options.