# Neofetch 1.7

### Contributers

Thanks to the following people for contributing this release.

- **[@dawidd6](https://github.com/dawidd6)**

### Info

**prin**<br \>
- Format changes to fix issues with colons in string. This change also makes<br \>
`prin` use the same args as `info`.

# OLD Format
prin "Subtitle: Text goes here"

# NEW Format
prin "Subtitle" "Text goes here"

**Underline**<br \>
- Underlining is no longer hardcoded to title length meaning you can now<br \>
underline any part of the output and the length will match.
- `$underline` was renamed to `$underline_enabled`.

# OLD Variable

# NEW Variable

**Desktop Environment**<br \>
- [ Linux ] Fallback to using `xprop` if `$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP` is empty.
- Use `$de` instead of `$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP` for wallpaper and theme detection.

**Window Manager Theme**<br \>
- Fixed bug when `$de` was unset.

**Color Blocks**<br \>
- Fixed bug when the blocks wrap a line causing a large white strip to appear.