# Neofetch 1.8.1
# Contributors
- Fixed issues with single args (`-s` `-su`) being treated as values for other args.
## Info
- Added `gpu_brand` to enable/disable showing GPU brand in output. (AMD/NVIDIA/Intel)
- Added Cinnamon version number to output.
**WM Theme**
- Fix GNOME showing wrong WM Theme.
- Fixed battery not appearing when set to `all`.
**Terminal Font**
- [Termite] Ignore lines starting with `;`.
**Progress Bars**
- Fixed progress bars displaying incorrectly in image mode.
## Screenshot
- Added support for uploading screenshots to Imgur and Teknik.
- Adds two new identical flags `--upload` and `-su`.
- Changed default screenshot name so that it works on Windows.
## Images
- Added a tiny delay before running w3m-img which suprisingly fixed all flickering issues in VTE based terminals. See [#349](https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch/pull/349)
- Fix wallpapers with spaces in the filename from not showing up.
## Ascii
- Added logo mode which only displays the ascii art.
- Adds two new identical flags `--logo` and `-L`.