# Polyenergy A dead-simple energy mod for Fabric. ## Features - Totally server-side - Polymer-compatible - Supports entities and networks of any size ## Usage ### Installation The mod is available on [Modrinth](https://modrinth.com/project/polyenergy). You can download it from there or build it yourself. ### API #### Installation To use the API, add the following to your `build.gradle`: ```groovy repositories { maven { name = "Arzumify's Maven" url = "https://maven.ailur.dev" } } dependencies { modImplementation "arzumify.cursedenergy:cursedenergy:{version}" } ``` To get the latest version, check the [Maven repository](https://maven.ailur.dev/arzumify/polyenergy/). #### Providers Providers are the source of energy in the game. They can be blocks, entities, or any other object that can provide energy. To create a provider, implement the `EnergyProvider` interface. This interface has two methods: - `void exists(EnergyReceiver receiver);` This method is called when the matchmaking service finds a receiver that can receive energy from this provider. The provider should check if this receiver meets all of its requirements, then call the Ready() method on the receiver to make a connection. - `long extract(long amount, EnergyReceiver receiver);` Once a receiver is connected to a provider, it can call extract() to request energy. The provider should return the amount of energy it was able to provide, which may be less than the requested amount. #### Receivers Receivers are the destination of energy in the game. They can be blocks, entities, or any other object that can receive energy. To create a receiver, implement the `EnergyReceiver` interface. This interface has one method: - `void ready(EnergyProvider provider);` This method is called by the provider when it has accepted the receiver as a valid destination for energy. The receiver should store the provider for future extraction requests. #### Matchmaking The matchmaking service is responsible for finding providers and receivers that can be connected. Currently, implemented matchmaking services are: - `CoordinateMatchMaker` To use the matchmaking service, create a new instance of `ProviderDetails` or `ReceiverDetails` and pass it to the matchmaking service using `matchMaker.addProvider()` or `matchMaker.addReceiver()`. The matchmaking service will then attempt to find a match between the two and call the `exists()` method on the provider when an appropriate receiver is found. #### Energy Energy is stored in the unit "PolyWatts" (pW). Use metric prefixes to represent larger or smaller amounts of energy. For example, 1,000,000 pW is 1 kpW. To keep things consistent across different mods, here are some basic conversions: - 4000E (TechReborn) = 16 pW = 8 items processed (at a rate of 200 ticks per item) - 1 Coal = 16 pW = 8 items processed (at a rate of 200 ticks per item) - 1 Lava Bucket = 200 pW = 100 items processed (at a rate of 200 ticks per item) ##### Technical Details The amount of energy generated should be equal to the burn time of the fuel in ticks divided by 100. For example, one coal burns for 1600 ticks, so it should generate 16 pW. 16 pW should equal the approximate amount of work done by the amount of items burnt by coal (8 items) in a furnace. The default rate for machines is 200 ticks per item, equivalent to how long it takes furnaces to smelt items. However, these machines may be configured to act faster at the expense of taking more energy. ## License This mod is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License. See the LICENSE file for more information. ## TL;DR (not legal advice): You CAN: - Redistribute this mod - Modify this mod - Use this mod in a modpack - Use this mod in a video or stream - Sell this mod as part of a larger work - Use this mod for any purpose You CANNOT: - Hold the author liable - Claim this mod as your own - Change the license of this mod - Redistribute the mod without the source code - Modify the mod without sharing the source code You MUST: - Share the source code of this mod - Include the license with any redistribution - Include the source code with any redistribution - Reproduce the below disclaimer in any redistribution Thank you for keeping the modding community open and free! ## Disclaimer ``` Polyenergy - A dead-simple energy mod for Fabric. Copyright (C) 2025 Arzumify This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ```