extends RichTextLabel var dnum var displaying = false var currentlyDisplaying = "" var secretCode = randi_range(100000, 999999) var quizCorrect = false var quizAnswered = false var freeze = false signal gabeTrigger signal gabeExit signal shounicTrigger signal shounicExit signal fadeToBlack signal unfade func _ready(): dnum = 0 displaySlow("A peaceful day in VALVe HQ") unfade.emit() func displaySlow(txt): currentlyDisplaying = txt displaying = true var doneChars = "" for character in txt: if displaying: doneChars = doneChars + character await get_tree().create_timer(0.015).timeout if displaying: text = doneChars if not get_child(0).playing: get_child(0).play() else: break else: break currentlyDisplaying = "" displaying = false func _on_continue_pressed(): if not currentlyDisplaying and not freeze: match dnum: -1: var save = FileAccess.open("user://secrets.sds", FileAccess.WRITE) var json = JSON.new() var err = json.parse(Marshalls.base64_to_utf8(save.get_as_text())) if err == OK: var data = json.data data["quizSecretOne"] = secretCode save.store_string(Marshalls.utf8_to_base64(JSON.stringify(data))) else: save.store_string(Marshalls.utf8_to_base64(JSON.stringify({"quizSecretOne": secretCode}))) text = "Psst, use code " + str(secretCode) + "!" dnum = -2 0: displaySlow("Oh?") 1: gabeTrigger.emit() displaySlow("Hi, I'm Gabe Newell!") get_parent().get_child(1).text = "Gabe Newell" get_parent().get_child(1).visible = true 2: displaySlow("I'd like to invite you to a quiz at VALVe HQ!") 3: displaySlow("It's a TF2 Trivia thing. You will be going against many famous TF2ubers, like Shounic... Shounic... and erm, shounic (we couldn't get permission from LazyPurple).") 4: displaySlow("Will you accept?") get_node("/root/Control/Continue").visible = false get_node("/root/Control/YesNo").visible = true 6: displaySlow("I'll see you then soon!") fadeToBlack.emit() 7: get_parent().get_child(1).visible = false displaySlow("2 Hours later...") unfade.emit() 8: get_parent().get_child(1).visible = true displaySlow("Hi!") 9: displaySlow("The quiz is ready now! I'll go call shounic.") gabeExit.emit() 10: get_parent().get_child(1).text = "Shounic" displaySlow("Hi.") shounicTrigger.emit() 11: displaySlow("So apparently to celebrate them embracing treadmill work, we are doing a trivia quiz.") 12: displaySlow("Neat.") 13: displaySlow("What's your name?") 14: displaySlow("Your name is \"Chat\"? That's a very strange name.") 15: displaySlow("It also sounds oddly familiar...") 16: displaySlow("Anyways, let's get on with the quiz.") 17: shounicExit.emit() gabeTrigger.emit() get_node("/root/Control/Continue").visible = false get_parent().get_child(1).text = "Gabe Newell" displaySlow("Which one of these is not a real item?") get_node("/root/Control/QuizAnswers").visible = true for i in range(500): await get_tree().create_timer(0.01).timeout if quizAnswered: break get_node("/root/Control/QuizAnswers").visible = false get_node("/root/Control/Continue").visible = true get_parent().get_child(1).text = "Shounic" if !quizCorrect: dnum = 21 get_node("/root/Control/Continue").emit_signal("pressed") gabeExit.emit() shounicTrigger.emit() 18: displaySlow("That's... right (it got removed).") 19: get_parent().get_child(1).text = "Gabe Newell" displaySlow("Welp, that's all we have time for. See you in another 2-4 years for the next quiz!") 20: get_parent().get_child(1).text = "Shounic" displaySlow("That was underwealming...") var transparency = 0 freeze = true for i in range(100): transparency += 0.01 await get_tree().create_timer(0.01).timeout get_node("/root/Control/FadeToBlack").color = Color(0, 0, 0, transparency) await get_tree().create_timer(0.01).timeout get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/house/house.tscn") 21: displaySlow("It's the community jarate. It used to exist but got removed.") dnum = 20 22: freeze = true displaySlow("Congratulations. You are a loser.") var transparency = 0 for i in range(100): transparency += 0.01 await get_tree().create_timer(0.01).timeout get_node("/root/Control/FadeToBlack").color = Color(0, 0, 0, transparency) await get_tree().create_timer(0.01).timeout get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/house/house.tscn") dnum += 1 elif not freeze: displaying = false text = currentlyDisplaying currentlyDisplaying = "" func _on_no_pressed(): if not currentlyDisplaying: match dnum: 5: get_parent().get_child(1).visible = false get_node("/root/Control/YesNo").visible = false get_node("/root/Control/Continue").visible = true displaySlow("You get up slowly, and leave the building") DirAccess.remove_absolute("user:///chapter.sds") var save = FileAccess.open("user://endings.sds", FileAccess.READ_WRITE) var json = JSON.new() var err = json.parse(Marshalls.base64_to_utf8(save.get_as_text())) if err == OK: var data = json.data data["end_bldleave"] = "1" save.store_string(Marshalls.utf8_to_base64(JSON.stringify(data))) else: save.store_string(Marshalls.utf8_to_base64(JSON.stringify({"end_bldleave": "1"}))) var transparency = 0 dnum = -2 for i in range(100): transparency += 0.01 await get_tree().create_timer(0.01).timeout get_node("/root/Control/FadeToBlack").color = Color(0, 0, 0, transparency) await get_tree().create_timer(0.01).timeout get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu/menu.tscn") dnum += 1 else: displaying = false text = currentlyDisplaying currentlyDisplaying = "" func _on_yes_pressed(): if not currentlyDisplaying: match dnum: 5: get_node("/root/Control/YesNo").visible = false get_node("/root/Control/Continue").visible = true displaySlow("Great!") dnum += 1 else: displaying = false text = currentlyDisplaying currentlyDisplaying = "" func _on_three_years_pressed(): if not currentlyDisplaying: quizAnswered = true else: displaying = false text = currentlyDisplaying currentlyDisplaying = "" func _on_five_years_pressed(): if not currentlyDisplaying: quizAnswered = true else: displaying = false text = currentlyDisplaying currentlyDisplaying = "" func _on_nine_years_pressed(): if not currentlyDisplaying: quizCorrect = true quizAnswered = true else: displaying = false text = currentlyDisplaying currentlyDisplaying = ""