extends RichTextLabel var shoBedroom = preload("res://scenes/house/assets/img/bg_shobedroom.jpg") var dnum = 0 var currentlyDisplaying = "" var displaying = false var freeze = false signal shounicTrigger signal shounicExit signal shoPhoneTrigger signal shoPhoneExit signal shoKnifeTrigger signal shoKnifeExit signal fadeToBlack signal unfade func _ready(): dnum = 0 displaySlow("Outside shounic's house") var save = FileAccess.open("user://chapter.sds", FileAccess.WRITE) save.store_line("chShoHouse = 1") unfade.emit() func displaySlow(txt): currentlyDisplaying = txt displaying = true var doneChars = "" for character in txt: if displaying: doneChars = doneChars + character await get_tree().create_timer(0.015).timeout if displaying: text = doneChars if not get_child(0).playing: get_child(0).play() else: break else: break currentlyDisplaying = "" displaying = false func _on_continue_pressed(): if not currentlyDisplaying and not freeze: match dnum: 0: displaySlow("...I must find a way to break into the house of that cat I saw earlier") 1: displaySlow("They are too beautiful for me to not attempt to commit a serious federal crime") 2: displaySlow("I've stolen a crowbar from the HL2 exhibit and I'm ready to break in") 3: displaySlow("Do I really want to though?") 4: displaySlow("Yes. Yes I do.") fadeToBlack.emit() 5: displaySlow("*glass breaking noises*") 6: displaySlow("I'm in") get_node("/root/Control/Background").set_texture(shoBedroom) unfade.emit() 7: shounicTrigger.emit() get_parent().get_child(1).text = "Shounic" get_parent().get_child(1).visible = true displaySlow("What the hell are you doing here??") 8: displaySlow("Aren't you that random homeless person from the trivia quiz yesterday?") 9: displaySlow("I'm calling the police.") shoPhoneTrigger.emit() 10: displaySlow("...") 11: displaySlow("...") 12: displaySlow("...") 13: displaySlow("They are coming in 5 minutes.") shoPhoneExit.emit() 14: displaySlow("You have exactly that amount of time to leave.") 15: displaySlow("...") 16: displaySlow("...") 17: displaySlow("...") 18: displaySlow("Still not leaving?") 19: displaySlow("Then I will have to evict you...") 20: displaySlow("By force.") shoKnifeTrigger.emit() dnum += 1 elif not freeze: displaying = false text = currentlyDisplaying currentlyDisplaying = ""