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# The Restrictive Non-Commercial License
## License Text
1. **Use and Redistribution**: You are permitted to use and redistribute and create derivative works of this software, for non-commercial purposes only, provided that you comply with the terms of this license.
2. **Commercial Use**: This software may not be used for any commercial purposes without explicit permission from the author.
3. **Redistribution Terms**: Redistribution of this software is only permitted under the terms of this license.
4. **Copyright**: All derivative works remain under the copyright of the original author, as stated in the copyright notice below.
5. **License for Derivative Works**: All derivative works must be licensed under the same terms as this license, including the same copyright notice.
6. **Permission Waiver**: Any of these conditions may be waived if you have obtained explicit permission from the author.
7. **Cease of Use**: Upon request by the copyright holder, you must immediately cease all use of the software and refrain from any future use, distribution, or creation of derivative works unless otherwise agreed upon.
8. **Disclaimer**: This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement, to the extent permitted by law.
## Copyright Notice
Copyright (c) 2024, Arzumify