#!/bin/sh # broken as of now name="python3" short_desc="Interpreted object-oriented programming language" desc="Python is an interpreted object-oriented programming language, and is often compared to Tcl, Perl or Scheme." category="lang" version="3.12.1" maintainer="ffqq@danwin1210.de" www="https://www.python.org/" master_site="https://www.python.org/ftp/python/$version/Python-$version.tgz" source_name="Python-$version.tgz" license_logic="single" # accepted values: single, and, or licenses=("PSFL") build_dependencies=("devel/gmake" "security/openssl" "archivers/bzip2" "archivers/zlib" "textproc/expat") run_dependencies=("system/glibc" "security/openssl" "archivers/bzip2" "archivers/zlib" "textproc/expat") build_process() { cd Python-$version || exit 1 mkdir -p build || exit 1 cd build || exit 1 ../configure --prefix=/usr \ --enable-shared \ --without-ensurepip \ --with-system-ffi \ --enable-optimizations \ --with-system-expat || exit 1 make -j$(nproc) || exit 1 make DESTDIR="$TAMANDUA_STAGE_DIR" install || exit 1 }