#!/bin/sh name="pkgconf" short_desc="Utility to help to configure compiler and linker flags" desc="pkgconf is a program which helps to configure compiler and linker flags for development frameworks. It is similar to pkg-config, but was written from scratch in Summer of 2011 to replace pkg-config, which now needs itself to build itself." category="devel" version="2.0.3" maintainer="ffqq@danwin1210.de" www="https://gitea.treehouse.systems/ariadne/pkgconf" master_site="https://distfiles.ariadne.space/pkgconf" source_name="$name-$version.tar.gz" license_logic="single" # accepted values: single, and, or licenses=("ISCL") build_dependencies=("devel/gmake" "lang/gcc") run_dependencies=("system/glibc") build_process() { cd $name-$version || exit 1 ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --disable-static \ || exit 1 make -j$(nproc) || exit 1 make DESTDIR="$TAMANDUA_STAGE_DIR" install || exit 1 # pkg-config compat ln -s /usr/bin/pkgconf $TAMANDUA_STAGE_DIR/usr/bin/pkg-config ln -s /usr/share/man/man1/pkgconf.1 $TAMANDUA_STAGE_DIR/usr/share/man/man1/pkg-config.1 }