feat: add darkmode #2

ffqq merged 0 commits from refs/pull/2/head into main 2023-07-11 21:37:17 +01:00
ffqq commented 2023-07-11 21:35:15 +01:00 (Migrated from codeberg.org)

add dark mode site-wide (changes depending on browser and/or system settings)
fix missing chat button in the navbar of a few pages

changes: add dark mode site-wide (changes depending on browser and/or system settings) fix missing chat button in the navbar of a few pages
ffqq commented 2023-07-11 21:49:24 +01:00 (Migrated from codeberg.org)
note, original theme by @mollomm1: https://userstyles.world/style/10845/burger-ctaposter-xyz-dark-theme-idk
maaa referenced this pull request from a commit 2024-04-29 22:50:57 +01:00
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Reference: Ailur-Archives/burgercat#2
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